[RELEASE] [ESX] Diamond Casino Lucky Wheel

Im use [The Diamond Casino Enterable MLO]

Thank you for this. Will surely be used by servers around the world. Original and cool! :smiley:

Did you get any error in console log?

No. :slight_smile:

If you are using [The Diamond Casino Enterable MLO] please scroll upper and check @zGiacometz1 comment.

Nice release!
p/s: tiếc thật ông đem share rồi à. Dù sao gì thì cũng hay vì đem cho cộng đồng

Change the coords

guys i have that problem can you help me fixing that

This is rather odd. Even after updating the coords, the wheel heading is still off when spinning. Other than that, great release.

yea i really do would be app if you send me the zip :smiley:

How can I only see my winning information?

I committed my wheel prop. Can you test again with my lucky wheel prop?

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Just tested it still happens. It offsets the heading when spinning: https://i.imgur.com/2BPw1zr.jpg

I’ve tested it aswell. Still doesn’t work. https://imgur.com/JDKxJqk

Same Issu

Same Issu

I’ll make a test tonight when I’m come home. Stay tuned guys

Error parsing script failed to load script server/server.lua.

Can you share the Food/Water/Money HUD that you have by any chance?

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