Hi ! This is my first release, so be nice
First i want to say sorry for my english, i’m a spanish speaker so, before everything, sorry
Today i’m sharing a job for your servers to give more “role” to it.
Burger Shot job: consist in “crafting” some food to sell it to the public , you will need some stuff that can be purchased in the job shop.
Translated the locale to English, figured i would share for anyone who needs it. es.lua (2.6 KB)
Edit: Just looked at your localization SQL, its still for the Unicorn Job. I would probably remove that from the resource.
Another Edit: The script looks good, i just suggest actually using the locales to your advantage, as i realize that translating i just did was kinda useless, because the labels are set in the client.lua. Otherwise very nice.
If you press F6 you will see a Billing menu, with that you can earn money, selling the burgers to the other players, this job doesn’t have NPC missions
Apparently I can’t consume the burgers I’ve made. Maybe a ESX.RegisterUsableItem is missing?
EDIT: Fixed. Just added multiple ESX.RegisterUsableItem functions per burger item.
Also, the “full burger” item (‘hamburger’) is missing from the .sql.