[Release] [ESX] Advanced Arrest Animation

Could of at least translated it smh

how to change to softcuffs

You know, that’s tough talk for someone who came looking for a free script. If you don’t like it, don’t use it.
I put it up for free because people we’re reselling without permission. The script is easy to understand even without the comments.

How do you add multiple jobs to it?

I cant make it work for some reason :frowning:
I didnt alter anything, same keybinds and all…

You can use my Script esx cuffanimation if you want!

Hey! If anybody needs an Arrest Animation for the esx policejob you can use my https://forum.cfx.re/t/esx-esx-cuffanimation-fivem-cuff-animation-for-esx-policejob/ !


Awesome stuff, :slight_smile:

to change the animation, do you do it here ?

local SekcjaAnimacji|||= ‘mp_arrest_paired’|-- Sekcja Katalogu Animcji|

local AnimAresztuje |||= ‘cop_p2_back_left’|-- Animacja Aresztujacego|
local AnimAresztowany|||= ‘crook_p2_back_left’|-- Animacja Aresztowanego|

Why cant see the handcuff??

Anyone know Why I can’t take people’s Items? No errors in f8 / console?

Yea that is where you change it

where uncuff ?

does this work when not holding a gun, i want it so it works with a gun or without a gun

Could you make this a standalone script?

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Hey, I need a solution to my problem of changing names in the map


N6? Which keybind is that?