Does it not after you leave the premises and come back or after the cooldown?
they close you just have to leave far enough and come back. The interior just needs to reload to drop the door object out of the pc/server memory at the finish. I’m going to try something that someone posted in this thread and attempt to have it use esx_doorlock to manage the doors and see if that helps.
Tip: If you want all doors use esx_doorlock, at fleeca bank you have to remap the door with a door with physics like nw_bahamaMama resource do it (if you know how to, i dont know right now :P) you have to do it with vault from principal bank too (need remap to set default turn state to any state that permit open just pushing it (right now cant because his heading position)), and then config this doors with esx_doorlock , after this look at esx_knatusholdupbank/client and search by " SetEntityHeading" replace that lines to esx_doorlock unlock.
Thanks for the info, thought it was going to be a challenge for me lol willing to try. The only thing holding me up is trying to find away around the authorized job in esx_door with out changing it that won’t be abused. Right now when triggered the script is throwing esx_doors steam:id was not authorized to open a locked door in console after hacking right now. It works as a police via the script, but can’t have everyone a police officer lol.
How to cheang balckmoney?
This doesn’t give black money. @Knatus53 , how do we change this to give black money instead?.. NVM. If anyone is having this same issue. Line 110 edit it to addAccountMoney (‘black_money’ etc, so on.
line 109 or 110 in the server.lua
this is what CaosPlays posted I justed commented out the clean money to bounce back and forth.
@Druitzq what he posted does work
Prior to pulling latest changes the blowtorch animation was working when starting the robbery. But for some reason now after pulling the latest changes my character just stands there. (No blowtorch animation where it should be). Any idea which lines I need to look at to ensure the Blowtorch animation starts and ends where it should?
Appreciate it!
Shout out to @Jack_Frost for the awesome contributions to this script!
Hmm nothing was touched for that animation. only 2 lines of code added on last PR from me to Kill the first police blip before the second one was set off and added bombholdingup = false in the right spot for the canceling thats it most of the animations for blow torch could be affected if you are getting an error in in console or f8.
Broke a bunch of stuff here merging stuff for esx_door + mhacking + this script to play nice but not the animations yet lol. need be I’ll sideline this and pull fresh again and see.
I will test again tomorrow and keep an eye on the console and debug. Robbery works just fine, Planting animation and all just seems to stand there as its blowtorching is all without the animation. I can report what I find out tomorrow.
@Knatus53 do you know why my server isen’t loading the script ? :c
added tr.lang.
After re-pulling and trying again fresh I had the same issue I had before, so come to find out it was the blowtorch script I edited in attempt to edit the notifications to be English which i’ll try that again today.
All good, thanks!
got the code figured out for 2 doors so far without remapping the vault door in the big bank. tried everything and this is the only way I can find to do it. think the two fleeca banks will not be this easy lol the doors will probably need to be remapped cause they do not move at all push/pull for me.
buggy af,
- When you hack the fleeca bank, it opens the door in all fleeca banks, because door name its the same, except (Highway bank)
2)When the door is locked with esx_doorlock script,nothing happens when you hack it
3)The doors are closing only if you restart the script.
- yea they need a separate script per door or a complete remap of the doors and a rescript to work with the current code or use esx_door lock to control them via script.
- esx_doorlock only locks/unlocks the door the original script does not trigger the lock/unlock only rotates it and it does rotate on a successful hack every time in the original script.
- The doors do close and it has been posted a few times already you have to leave a few blocks and come back and they will be closed. This is due to the world doors being saved in memory and said interior/door needing to be reset/flushed from your memory. Your not gona to have what I posted in pics yet unless you do it yourself I haven’t added the code yet and done a PR yet.
has put it in as it stands it will not start
@Jack_Frost Thx for answer and the well-uderstanding of my script
is there a way to make the cops alerted as soon as the c4 explodes?