It’s fine np, im learning too.
Try that and enjoy.
I also just noticed that Blimps still pulsate after going to the scene of the robbery (Cops) and after the robbery has finished. Just tested with a fellow Police.
for other police officers only or if you are a cop to and do the robbery as when I test as a cop the blips clear.
User 1 (Civ on site) robs a bank on site.
User 2 (LEO/Police off site) receives the blimp/notification.
Upon completion of robbery or canceled robbery, blimp remains for User 2.
Ok think I may see the issue for that in the code but need to follow the code to make sure first then test.
Ok to fix the bug with cancel at placing the bomb can add this into the very last function in esx_knatusrobberybank/client/client.lua this will cancel the bomb planting sequence remove the timer and the help text in the upper left corner saying to hit E to cancel.
starts line 413
if secondsRemaining <= 1 then
platingbomb = false
bombholdingup = false
secondsRemaining = 0
incircle = false
Couldn't start resource esx_knatusrobberybank.
this the __resource.lua , nothing edited …whats wrong?
dependency 'essentialmode'
dependency 'es_extended'
dependency 'esx_doorlock'
dependency 'esx_blowtorch'
dependency 'mhacking'
client_scripts {
server_scripts {
- rename your
from >
to >
or 2) rename the script folder
also my “issue” was that i miss mhacking
Found the issue with the blip staying for the police on robbery finish at the big bank. it has to do with the blip being triggered twice and only canceled once at the finish. Once for planting the C4 and again for the robbing. Only the robbing blip gets cleared at finish the c4 planting blip stays as there is nothing to finish it so need to add it and add in the the fix above for a better streamline fix for the canceling to.
for temp fix can comment out
in the esx_knatusrobberybank/ server/server.lua
line 220
--TriggerClientEvent('esx_holdupbank:setblip', xPlayers[i], Banks[robb].position)
I’ll try getting that put in so it end’s right and add the proper canceling all together.
Thanks for this @Jack_Frost ! Will test asap later this afternoon.
Just submitted a new PR with the new fix to cancel the bomb planting and the fix for the Blip staying for the police after finishing the robbery at the big bank.
Okay, found a fix to that.
If you keep pressing E to plant the bomb it keeps planting new bombs and the animation gets stuck (players can do that in purpose).
Add this after line 373: (esx_knatusrobberybank/client/client.lua)
Wait (30000)
Doesnt have to be 30 seconds, you put the time between the robberies, so people cant spawn bombs or get stuck in the animation.
Must look like this:
if(Vdist(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, pos2.x, pos2.y, pos2.z) < 1.0)then
if (incircle == false) then
DisplayHelpText(_U('press_to_bomb') .. v.nameofbank)
incircle = true
if IsControlJustReleased(1, 51) then
TriggerServerEvent('esx_holdupbank:plantbomb', k)
Wait (30000) --ADD THIS LINE
Players can’t spam plant a bomb unless the server owner increased the amount of each items they can hold. Then that’s on the server to handle right now as of the base release they can only hold 1 of each. I tried breaking everything before I even did the PR and still have the $176 million black money trying to do so with the base setting of 1 of every item allowed. Just so you know cancel the bombplanting doesn’t trigger the os.time part of the robbery so it can be restarted. if that’s what is wanted can be done when back at pc.
Anyone found a fix for this? I’m having the same issue.
The bank doors at Blaine don’t open far enough to let anyone in or out after hacking.
The Blaine bank is commented on the script for a reason (I guess).
Check it.
If you are going to use the Wait (30000) it would be more efficient to comment out the option to cancel the bombing. Makes less code cause thats all your doing with that Wait (30000). Cause the planting is only 20 sec so removing the code for canceling will do the same with less code if you don’t want your players canceling the bombing and allowing them to carry more then 1 bomb. As stated the script works in the same fashion as the Author released it with fixes for what was reported and tested for. Can’t please every one some want the cancel others don’t easier to comment out to fit edit’s.
Edit: @Druitzq did a quick look into blaine county savings bank like @shz0r said its commented out for a reason. I found it breaks the script in the state it is in now + some dark voo doo going on in there. If you get in to rob it and manage to break the animation at the end (error’s in f8 breaking script) the doors slam on you trapping you in. When you TP out and go near any other doors they get stuck wide open lol but will go with the errors I got and see what can be done if I can.
For me I’ve got a few issues with this script.
1: Sometimes people can’t stop using their blowtorch and they should relog.
2: The safe always stays open after the first explosion.
3: There is no esx_doorlock example for the door at the bank included.
I might be wrong, but I don’t know why they shoudn’t work.
- Have you pulled the latest changes from the Github? Should be like:
Leave the premises and then go back. Depending on your cooldown it should reset.
Add this to your config for
-- Entrance (grades)
objName = 'hei_v_ilev_bk_gate2_pris',
objCoords = vector3(261.99899291992, 221.50576782227, 106.68346405029),
textCoords = vector3(261.99899291992, 221.50576782227, 107.68346405029),
authorizedJobs = { 'police' },
locked = true,
distance = 12,
size = 2
Has anyone been able to solve why do not close the doors after a robbery?
They do close?
Hi, i need something for seller that owns shops, like they will got a notification or see, how much they were robbed / lost money. Can soemone help ne woth that ? Or like something that at the end of the day / hour. The seller will see how much they lost or were robbed that day.
Hope u understand.
Thx john