[Release] [ESX] 99kr-shops

bruh if i founded it out i already posted it here. stop asking to all people if they found the solution.

hey there :slight_smile:
im wondering if you mind that i used your shop script to make something different?
So i needed to have chemicals in my city for drugs, and i also needed civs to get chemicals to make into thermite for bank robbery. so i set the “cashier” (or in my case the ‘chemical king’) somewhere hard to find, and then added chemicals i wanted to sell. (honestly, if people can find where i put this stuff… i figured they deserved to be able to buy them lol… but at a inflated price)
I just finished that part and am starting the crafting side for the thermite, but i wanted to make sure it was ok to use it (and ill 100% credit you if i end up releasing it here). Thanks :slight_smile:

I am sorry to bother you but where exactly did you post it? I really need it.

hey there, I’m using this script but the blips don’t show up in the map

Hi! I made my own version in wich you can select the ped, blip name, blip color, blip type and you have limit by item, I removed the 100 limit. Also I modify my es extended and if any player have the limit of the item in his inventory, he will not able to purchase more. If 99kr gives me permission, I dont have problem to publish it!


i would love to have that version of the shops

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I would like that version too, since the creator does not respond anymore

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Ok, in these days I would be posting it!


I would love to have that version, hopefully and soon :slight_smile:

does it include shoplifting?

Hi! I finished a things and published in GitHub, read the Readme inside of esx_tiendas folder for more info!
Link: https://github.com/Gusabelu1/99kr-shops-edit


I changed some of the items in the store and now all the stores and blips disappear from the map. how do i fix?

I updated it and now all errors should been fixed, test it and tell me any bug!


Excelent job i used in my server and works perfectly, there’s a way to add Stock to items? to dont buy infinite ammounts. Thanks!

download 99kr-shops-edit :wink: look up

wow nice

all i buy is not in the inventory, does anyone know what code i have to add in what resource to fix that?

The same thing happens to me, did you find the solution?

no sorry i changed the shop now to a show which comes with a inventory from esx

I already found the solution, just add the line that comes in the github, to the extended