For money to initially display you have to call player:setMoney(amount)
where did you do this and can you send me a snippet of that.
I haven’t done that. Is there anywhere in particular where that goes?
Again sorry I’m new to fivem and lua.
Well it won’t even display without having that somewhere in your own resource. So I can’t help you furthur unless you provide me with that snippet. I have no clue where this might be as I didn’t write your resources.
i give up on the newer version i cant even get admin to work correctly it was setup correctly added perms in couchdb document and tried /setadmin 1 4 and /setgroup 1 owner and i tried superadmin and admin and still nothing so idk what to do the error they got was insufficient permissions when they tried /kick with perm level 4 they could do /freeze /bring /car /die and thats about it
New es_admin doesn’t even fucking use permission levels, it uses groups.
oh i never had new that so what would be the highest group then i tried group superadmin admin and owner never worked
how does one add a group like a whole new group to the existing groups?
Take a look at the wiki
Does this require CouchDB (sorry if you already said this) I am using Ci.tadel Servers to host my server and i’m using phpMyAdmin. Will this work or no?
yeah you cant cuz they dont have couch let cit_adel servers
i have a server from them too
So can I then not use EssentialMode?
You can host a couchdb instance yourself.
smart didn’t think that
EssentialMode 4
- FXServer compatibility
- Native money UI option
- Automated update checks
- Code fixes
- Server exports
- Convars (no edits needed to any of the core files)
- DB code updates
- Player ‘class’ has been edited to fix an issue with metatables, as I abused them in NeoLua. So the ‘:’ has been replaced with ‘.’ example:
-- needs to be
and to get player values
-- needs to be
This isn’t a release, just an update post!
Also this
You say “DB code updates” does that mean it will be compatible with mysql again without having to use Async? Also if you don’t mind me asking what is a good estimate when this will be released?
DB code updates as in the code has been optimized, nothing related to adding any new DB drivers. The release is planned when FXServer is released.
The current situation I am in is I got Essentialmode 3 and have couchDB all set up. But my problem is I have noticed a lot of the other Mods like “Garages” “Apartments” etc… requires a mysql database with essentialmode so do I need to downgrade to Essentialmode 2 or stay on Essentialmode 3 and try and figure out how to use Async?
So I bought a hosted server on GTX Gaming.
Been trying to set this up, how the hell do I set this up without couchdb?
There has to be a way?
@TheLukasGran Use what you want to use, the best option is making your own stuff. The excuse: “I DONT KNOW HOW” is irrelevant. Noone starts knowing everything about a subject.
@SchoolBoy_Q_Lobbies It’s required.