What version of couchdb do you have installed?
1.6.1, for some reason I couldn’t install any higher than that on linux
Well i don’t have couchdb, We looked at the new version of essentialmode but i couldn’t figure out how to install couchdb, We only have an iis web server not apache, Not sure if apache is required.
When you say the new version doesn’t have banning built in, you literally mean you cant ban people using it?
_find is added in CouchDB 2.0.0, so that explains your problem
So do i require Apache or can i just install couchdb onto iis?
You require “Apache CouchDB 2.0.0”
Ok, i take it that i dont require any other programs to use it?
Ah ok yes i see, i must have looked over the apache couchdb.
btw u probably dont remember me but i was the guy that you were with when you were making the robable banks, I remember meeting you on HSG
thanks, I’ll try to upgrade this once more
Managed to fix it, if someone is using linux to set this up make sure that both the run and make of erlang are the same version, then you can build couchdb 2.0.0 with no issue.
I’ve having an issue… My money says undefined after the $ symbol. Any ideas?
Seen this thread? maybe related Money icon UNDEFINED - EssentialMode
I have, I tried everything on there to no avail.
Here is mu UI.HTML https://pastebin.com/ihFdmym4
and my main.lua: https://pastebin.com/eLNF3R5X
Here is the issue: https://gyazo.com/d072dd6a6a95f10f7ecb0d01afd7f439
I’m fairly new to this, let me know if you need more info. I have couch setup, my money is 0 in the database but changing it doesn’t help either.
Got banking installed?
Yeah, I do.
20 character count is stupid.
What version of essentialmode are you using.
Should be the newest, just installed it last night.
Please post: server/classes/player.lua and server/player/login.lua
Player.lua: https://pastebin.com/v9Ft8cFx
Login.lua: https://pastebin.com/4U3bhJNb