[Release] EssentialMode base

I haven’t installed that no. How would I install a new gametype? I want to use the server for rp

What are addons have you installed for now?

Just tried to install essential mode and its not working so nothing really.

Have you set up CouchDB 2.0 properly and configured the /essentialmode/config.lua file? Normally, you shouldn’t be stuck on Initializing session if you only installed ES.

Alright, does the console says something? If it’s setup properly, you should see a “412 Precondition failed” message somewhere.

having same problem i see “412 Precondition failed” but i get stuck at initialising session then i get 2017-06-08 19:24:46.6126|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server|Error in callback for web request: Object is nil. in console

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Yesterday CouchDB was installed and working fine. After the creators update it wasnt. I re-installed CouchDB, and now when I try to connect to “” it says cannot connect. That is where the database was before.
Does anyone know how to make sure its up and running? This is causing EMB to not run. /admin doesnt work, /kick etc.
Anyone with the same issue or anyone that can help please reply.

Windows creators update conflicts with couchDB, read what was said a few posts up to fix your issue.

To reword this post. If you’re having the same exact issue where you upgraded to the creator’s update, this broke CouchDB due to it not installing a new version of a file called NSSM.EXE.

To fix this follow the steps carefully.

  1. Stop the Apache CouchDB Service
  2. Download “nssm 2.24-101-g897c7ad (2017-04-26)” underneath the “Pre-Release” section from “https://nssm.cc/download”.
  3. Drag and drop the x64 of x32 whichever your computer is in, into "This PC > Local disk > CouchDB > bin. Or wherever your CouchDB was installed.
  4. Drag and drop all files from the folder “src” into This PC > Local disk > CouchDB > erts-6.4 > src or wherever your CouchDB was installed.
  5. Start the Apache CouchDB Service.
    I would like to thank +Manny for informing me of this and +That1Drifter for making the guide first.
    [Release] EssentialMode base - #836 by Manny

If someone can pin this post, or put it in the main post that would be great.

Hi Guys i no this a very problem wen people dont no what to do with your stuff, but really i think some people here really try hard to set up the “mysql” well yestarday i fix my problem.

but now i have a new one but i think its not some thing hard to resolved. the error: ““is obeject is nil.””

so after hours to set up i finally i got it running but, wen i log in the server this error come and after this come some more.
i see in other topic, its can be because the .dll its locked.

but i dont have any .dll in the essential mode so what i can do.

guys please help me. thank you so much again!!!

sorry if my english is to bad.

about you get suck on the intializing screen maybe i can help u contact me

Since I don’t run my server myself(it’s hosted), would I have to redirect the couchdb ip to my own, since I have it on my computer?

I have couchdb and essentialmode configured correctly but when i try to admin someone that is actully ingame it says player not ingame i typed in the correct id and the permission level 4 but it still says the same thing

Add it to your essentialmode document like https://gyazo.com/f9bd15e71fe08caeaff3af3b0984df91

Just notifying you of a bug I found.
After restarting the Essentialmode Resource, “Name2” appears above your own name clientside. Your name appears correct on other users screens.

Is it possible to use it with MySQL?

no it uses couchdb no sql

what document? can you admin people via rcon because i have a vps

In order to grant administrator power you must type “setadmin userid 4”

i have tried in console