one of my friends were in it and i typed setadmin 1 4
1 was there ingame id
one of my friends were in it and i typed setadmin 1 4
1 was there ingame id
Then you have to do “setgroup userid admin”
i have tried setgroup 1 superadmin
its admin not superadmin
Yeah but it always says user not ingame but they are ingame walking around
ya i am in game and he can’t give me admin
If you’re using couchDB then do it like i said a few posts up, add him to admin through the essentialmode document like the gyazo. That worked for me anyway.
through the groups? json file?
In that essentialmode document
there are 0 bytes on my essentialmode thing
this is what i added in my host after the ip /_utils/#/database/essentialmode
I think it should be creating a document for each player that connects to your server. I only run my server locally so only i have connected but it created my document.
The document is created automatically, i did find that sometimes the id of a player is plus or minus 1 sometimes not sure why, i might be able to help you out if you still need it just drop me a PM.
think i may have fixed it it was set to /_utils/#/database/essentialmode/alldoc
Okay, let me know otherwise.
i got couchdb set their permissions but now it just says insufficient permissions for them i even set their group too
Will Essentials running on CouchDB allow us to look up Usernames, or steamID by a real value - other than an encrypted value?
/ban doesnt even work. I have the database setup, its running because the IDS are being placed into the database. Everything BUT /ban works. Why?
/ban doesn’t work for me either and all other commands except /die /freeze /bring only works /kick or any other admin commands say insufficient permissions even tho i set there group to admin and superadmin and their permission level is 4 so i upped it to 90 and it still didn’t work. /ban types in chat but it works in console
Did you do setgroup 1 owner on console assuming your the first player also you have to do setadmin 1 4 so you get can get permission levels 4