[Release] EssentialMode base

it uses a mysql dll so pretty sure this should work on different databases too. If not we just have to get it working :stuck_out_tongue:

<<< Heidi SQL just like in the Tutorial but wont work.


Little more explanation:

  1. No you can only use CouchDB from now on.
  2. Use es_*admin or your own thing to set peoples permissions through rcon.
  3. CouchDB is not only for localhost stuff
  4. Stop being completely retarded. (one of the terms if you choose to use FiveM)

I always used SQL , can we get a little bit more explaination about couchDB and can we get the querry to create the main DB


Also, no need to create anything anymore, just running the server will setup everything required if CouchDB is running. No manual database creation needed,



ok interesting and what about all script in my server using SQL ?

They should update, migrating to the new structure is quite easy once learned a bit.

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so I have to rewrite all my request SQL in all my script ? with the new format ?

If you only used the data that essential-mode provided you then you couldā€™ve just used the user methods, if you had your own custom data then you will have to yes.

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Just a question WHY ??? why you update to couchdb, i donā€™t understand anything on this OMG Ā°-Ā°

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I think people need to get this straightā€¦ Not everyone is a developer or knows scripts and what not, so its not people being retardsā€¦

All we are asking for is a little ā€œHow-Toā€ since people have spent money on MySQL database hosting and now being told to use something completely different, I have honestly never heard of CouchDB until today. Iā€™d like some advice or help without a smart comment like ā€œLearn retardā€ or something like that, try help people out that want to learn and maybe you wont get so many questions?

ā€œnot directed towards Kanerspsā€


Letā€™s go:

"I think people need to get this straightā€¦ Not everyone is a developer or knows scripts and what not, so its not people being retardsā€¦" Well this is kinda meant for developersā€¦

"since people have spent money on MySQL database hosting and now being told to use something completely different", doesnā€™t make sense, why pay for mysql hosting ._. why not just get a server to host it on.

"I have honestly never heard of CouchDB until today", Ow, nothing bad about that, just read their docs as I can not provide enough information about it on my own.

"Iā€™d like some advice or help without a smart comment like ā€œLearn retardā€" Never meant to come over like that. If you thought so, Iā€™m sorry.

"try help people out that want to learn and maybe you wont get so many questions?" That wonā€™t work, as that means helping tens of people a day and atleast 30 minutes each maybe even more, Itā€™s not feasable.

For installation instructions, they are there. No need to import any sql or do anything weird just get the DB running and change the port to whatever you want.


Thank you for replying in such a professional manor, and that retard bit was aimed towards ā€œcuriumā€

The main thing im asking about is how couchdb will work as what i have red so far (which isnt too much atm) is localhost stuff, would you be able to direct me to how it runs and works with everything

And where is the .Sql ?

None is required

And, @Craven456
CouchDB has HTTP endpoints, which can be accessed from anywhere really. Just make sure that you read the security aspect of CouchDB aswell if you want it to be remotely accesable.

So CouchDB is able to run without my computer being on so its not a ā€œlocalhostā€ its a free database or something?

You have to self-host it.

So we need dedicated machine or keep my personal computer on?