[Release] EssentialMode base

Thanks bro I’m on my phone so can’t go through it right now. Glad to hear

So where is this new database at?

I don’t understand, is this the original essentialmode? and why he’s called essential-mode? All dependencies in others scripts are less " - "

The github link is dead…

CouchDB 2.0.0


People were asking too many dumb questions related to this so that word got censored, you may see that in your own post.

how, big changes here ! So you run with coutch db for es and mysql for the others plugin ? Or should we moove all plugin to crouch db ?

All the links I’ve tried to download essentia l mod e are not working. Anyone have working link to DL?

And how can we see the github link and the explanations correctly now?

Same here @RPPerry3

Can you use tinyurl and drop the link from github please? Nobody will take the risk to DL your files… -__-

Sure, I’ve always used this way, but I’ll setup a github account.

Dude… Just link us autor link with this… https://tinyurl.com/

What do you mean by “author” link?

Forget it. His github is still on 2.0.0, or he did a new github page for this… And we can’t see it.

Git hub is stupid as shit to setup. I don’t get this …

Yep , I’m done with this idiotic thing. github is the WORST public sharing resource on the planet.

@Ferrum If I’m using the Resource Folders from the Essential-M-O-de I downloaded last week, will this database be ok to use? If this question seems painfully obvious to you forgive me, I’m still learning a lot!


How do I give people admin permissions with the new database

sorry i don t realy understand, do we have the link for the 3.0 ?

I’ve followed the directions from the youtube video to set this up and it doesn’t work. When you ask others for help getting this going they ignore you and act like you’re an idiot. And then the link to the files doesn’t work. I’m so done with essentials… It’s easier to sprout a 3rd eye than work with this…

im guessing couchDB is for locally hosted crap? thats what im guessing, if so… thats alot of people fucked over