[Release] EssentialMode base

You need to right click on the MySql.Data.dll and unblock it

do you have the solution for you problem ? (iā€™ve the same)

Hi Everyone, Iā€™m New-ish here and Iā€™m interested in taking my communityā€™s servers to the next level by adding in some items/options to enhance our gaming experience. By trade Iā€™m head of IT for an international medical technology company and while my powershell and .bat experience is decent Iā€™m not experienced in .Lua. Iā€™m willing to try to learn but before I dedicate time I donā€™t honestly have into learning some scripting, Will essentials mode help obtain the following? or no?

  • Paycheck System for Officers
  • Weapon Store for officers
  • Pop up window upon server login with rules etc
  • Vehicle store for officers
  • Vehicle spawning restrictions based on group membership
  • Block no clip and other commands based on group memberships
  • Create a Name and save player data upon accessing server

Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer, and to @Kanersps for the hard work in providing EssentalMode to the community.

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Letā€™s answer those questions for you with detail :slight_smile:

Paycheck System for Officers EssentialMode has a money system which can be utilized by different resources, however EssentialMode itself does not provide such functionality as it was never intended to have build in features. You can easily achieve this with EssentialMode.

Weapon Store for officers Not exactly sure what you want with this but if you want them to pay for weaponry see above, if you want to restrict it to certain permission levels or groups then essentialmode offers that functionality aswell.

Pop up window upon server login with rules etc not really related with EssentialMode as this relies on nothing, if you want it to just popup on first ever join then EssentialMode does provide this exact functionality for you.

Vehicle store for officers See the answer for the weapon store.

Vehicle spawning restrictions based on group membership Yes you can easily restrict certain commands to a certain group or check someones group whenever you want.

Block no clip and other commands based on group memberships This can only be achieved by disabling clientside plugins, if you have a command for noclip then you can make it only usable by a certain group, so it depends.

Create a Name and save player data upon accessing server Not sure what you mean by ā€œcreate a nameā€, but essentialmode does save everyones profile, their bans and their money.

Hope I answered all of your questions.

  • Kane
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I think he means a ID system. Like for RP server tho

And all the other features would be awesome. Just be sure if you match the GTA style when you make lile popups for rules or something like that

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@Kane Iā€™m actually astounded you went into so much detail for me as a newby. Thank you for your time and I hope to not royally screw anything up in my attempts to learn how to script and implement the items we want. Can you Direct me to a good place to start learning about .lua scripting specifically for fivereborn.

By Pop-Up, I meant when a player loads into map, a pop up window will appear with some basic rules of the server and how to contact an admin in game if there are any issues.

By Save Users Data, I meant a system that when someone logs into the server for the first time, they are required to enter an identity that will be saved and their IP, Money, etc are all linked to that.

Thanks Again!

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@Drehverschluss Yes for Law Enforcement RP server.

i thinks than iā€™have a small problems with essentialmode and freeroam after re-update, i can win money with salary and recolt but i canā€™t own car or when i buy a car at vehshop this car spawn but the not working .

all sql and adress charged .
I feel like I can not spend money .

Just like TDT_Gaming says, I am not seeing the sql file or es_admin folder inside the new essentialmode folder on your github that is linked in the post.

Also, I see you added the moneyIcon to the plugin but can not locate it in the settings area. Is there a different source to download the plugin?


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Whatā€™s happen with the name essential mode ? All post with this name have squared character ?


I guess they blacklisted the name E ssentialMode (without the spaceā€¦)
Not sure why. Can someone clarify this ?

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i cant connect ma server


Soon an update will release which will completely redo the way data is stored. This will fix all of the major issues that are currently present. I will not be writing a converter to convert the current data to the new structure which means you either have to do so yourself or completely restart. This is an early warning.

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This will be awesome. I canā€™t wait to make mods based on it.
If you want help, let me know :slight_smile:

Hello @Kanersps,

Thankā€™s for this update : useful :slight_smile:

Friendly, CDK.

Update 03-05-2017


Main things

  • Re-did database
  • Async requests


  • Ban table
  • getAllPlayers event

Q: Will this ruin my current server if I just install this without checking anything?
A: Definitily.

Q: What database do I need from now on?
A: CouchDB 2.0.0

Q: Can I convert my current DB to the new one?
A: Yes, if you write a converter yourself.

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Thanks will upgrade when I get home. Time for a fresh start.

Most of the basic es: based commands will still work with a little tweaking right? Just a majorly overhauled released?

Everything will still work, if you used all of the events that were available. You just need to re-do your DB.

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