[Release] [ES] AdvancedRP Server dump

#AdvancedRP Server dump

This is a dump of the advancedrp server.

  1. Job system
  2. Jail, cuffing & other basic police things
  3. Player customization, GTA:O-esque
  4. Trucking jobs
  5. Time/weather sync
  6. Vehicle shop + LS Customs
  7. Dynamic robberies
  8. Administration
  9. Weapon store
  10. Working 24/7’s where you can buy snacks
  11. Car wash
  12. Car repairshop
  13. Players stats saving
  14. Turfwars, people can own turfs.
  15. Admin panel (already released before)
  16. Drug dealers

And tons of stuff I don’t remember


  1. Removed download as this uses broken version update to essentialmode 3.x or higher
  2. Extract your wanted resources to your resource folder
  3. Change all the sql data in the resources you wanted.
  4. Import the sql for the resources you want
  5. Append the resource names for the resources you want to AutoStartResources inside of your server config yml.
  6. Run the server
  7. Done

Note: Requires essentialmode

Regarding issues,
If you have any issues you can reply here, but it is not guaranteed you will actually get help with this. All of the things in here are working as-is however there may be bugs here and there.

preview screenshots



#player customization


good for es costumisation

Great work, i give it a try

Totally awesome :heart_decoration:

Do you have permission to publish this?

I know on this forum everything is about sharing but stolen code shouldn’t be allowed (not saying this is). Someone else might have put a lot of work into this and it’s not fair if you don’t have his/her permission to post this. Would like some clarification…

If you did make this, then Great job, awesome for sharing such a project!


It’s made by kanersps but he gave permission


Hi :slight_smile:
What’s the controls for the inventory ?
I have a question, is there a lastpos sync when reconnect ?

Anyone have a server with this for some test please ?

Trying to set it up right now. Running into some errors.

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I have error too during installation.


gta5_script_logs table is missing on ur sql.sql

But great works :slight_smile:

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I have try, table of script logs is missing :wink: But thanks! It’s beautiful work!

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hello i have probleme It stays constantly initialising session infinite

Friend how do I take the time out with snow and leave it normal?

Great Job !!! :heart:

Check your AutoStartResources in citmp-server.yml file. You have to remove “fivem-map-skater” or “fivem-map-hipster” and replace by “san_andreas”. Here it is an example of the config : http://puu.sh/vrEeW/117a9473c6.png

I just tested here and it has not changed, it continues in the snow .

Could it be something else?

hey ! thx for this relase ! i have installed es_roleplay on my server but if i send 1 text message on the tchat the tchat say 3 text message, you can help me ?

yes, édits the SNOW to sun in the wheater config :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for this release, is it possible to have the clothing store and vehicle shop working without using es_roleplay? My saved character only loads with es_roleplay running, I would like to use a different gamemode, aswell as the clothing- and vehicle shop.

Someone have the database for these script ?