[Release] Enhanced emotes

I have installed this version but nothing happening in game when pressing down key

edit key


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Thank you ! Work like a charm !

working as intended. Thank you.

would you know the easiest way to change it from down arrow to activate? i want to use \ if possible because using down arrow interferes with other scripts.


edit: 178

while true do
if (IsInVehicle()) then
if IsControlJustPressed(1, 178) then – INPUT_CELLPHONE_DOWN
Menu.hidden = not Menu.hidden
elseif IsControlJustPressed(1, 32) then – INPUT_MOVE_UP_ONLY
playing_emote = false

i need sleep, my bad.

Hi, I would like to change the key to open the menu how can I do?

look 4 posts above, i asked the same then use [Release] Speedcamera to pick a key.

Where am i looking so i can change the GUI over to the right side of the screen , i know its gui.lua but what do i edit? I’ve just added more emotes to the list aswell but the bottom goes off the screen https://gyazo.com/2d5509468f54e96e493212d89b7b23b8
how can i split the list so there’s like a second page so when we navigate to Lean it will scroll to next page. thanks in advance for any help.

How to remove the menu activation with the controller ?

with this you can also type /emote and do the emote like /cop is there a way to block that from happening if you are in a car also? That one above only blocks the menu.

Here’s my version of enhanced emotes, thanks to @Boubi for edits to the GUI and preventing emotes while in vehicles. Also these are usable through the gui only and not /
Open them with left alt

client.lua - https://pastebin.com/diD0MXvn

server.lua - https://pastebin.com/KbrWDMWk

gui.lua - https://pastebin.com/dCdLRXr4

do u just make a emote folder in resources and put these files in?

yes but you also need to make a __resource file and add

__resource.lua - https://pastebin.com/JpFLFk3i

and make sure to add the file name you create in resources to citmp

thought so, thanks, is it user friendly to add more emotes?

yeah just have a look at the coding, it should make sense. Also might run out of screen if you keep adding loads as i don’t know how to configure the gui to categorise them, so you go in “cop” and there’s the cop emotes, go to fitness and there’s the fitness emotes etc etc.

alright, im gonna pm u from now on, thanks tho great job!

do you have a way to stop emotes from going off in a car or when handcuffed that will work with this (or any emote system for that matter)?

How would one go about disabling the control activation key? I would love to use this mod but not with a controller. It messes up another mod I’m using.