[Release][ES] Emotes

The Same error, did anyone find a fix?

Any fix, really want this.

yeah does not work at all, wished it would :frowning:

get the pointing script and if your in a animation and need to quit the aniation fast point till the animation stops it might work for you emote script but its a idea

Does someone have a version of this that doesn’t require essential mode?

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This should work without ES.

AddEventHandler(‘chatMessage’, function(source, name, msg)
sm = stringsplit(msg, " ");
if sm[1] == “/emotes” then
TriggerClientEvent(‘showEmotes’, source, sm[2]);
elseif sm[1] == “/emote” then
TriggerClientEvent(‘playEmote’, source, sm[2]);

function stringsplit(inputstr, sep)
if sep == nil then
sep = “%s”
local t={} ; i=1
for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, “([^”…sep…"]+)") do
t[i] = str
i = i + 1
return t

Doesn’t take away the ‘’ Cannot call nil value "

when i add this plugin it dosnt even do anything, not sure if im doing something wrong but it just dont work i’d really love to use it

I’d really like to try this out if the plugin gets fixed, looks very nice!

i would like this to be fixed to because dojrp uses this but im sure they had fixed it.

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i would try this guys custom trainer. i use it myself and changed the keybinding to f5 and it works awesome. [Release] Enhanced emotes

Are you sure you added the string split? to server.lua? that may fix the null value error

function stringsplit(inputstr, sep)
    if sep == nil then
        sep = "%s"
    local t={} ; i=1
    for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
        t[i] = str
        i = i + 1
    return t

and for some reason this works on cfx but no fx anyone know why?

Has anyone made, or found a fix for this?

when I installed it nothing happens

I have essentialmode all setup and ready but the emotes does not list anything or work.

I also have 0 errors

I am getting an issue on my server where the /emotes does show but everything turns red, and then it just stops working. So you can type in /emote smoke but nothing happens. Nothing shows up in chat but nothing happens. Here is a screenshot of what I mean:


Is this to do maybe with the Chat box I have? It is default chat box but removed background color… And if it is to do with that, what is a good chat box?

And PS: this is screen shot of another script very very similar to this one. But src does the same thing. It works for a little bit then just turns red when checking /emotes.

i downloaded it it works but i type / emotes nothing working and i get acess denied for command add_principal

How would I add custom emotes from F4? This was the F4 emote I wanted… anim@mp_player_intincarsalutebodhi@ds@