Following the v1 i’ve made in lua (here: [Release] Enhanced emotes), i desided to rework it in c# with some new feature and no ugly menu.
So now, you still can play emotes (obviously), but you can choose language my modifying config.ini file and linking an appropriate json file and easily add emotes still by modifying the json file linked into config.ini.
Instruction are given in the release page.
Feel free to pull request the repository so the community could have more emotes and more languages
When you write the name of an emote it shows in the chat globally and triggers the emote for everyone in the server. Only issue found so far, nice release mate!
I’ve had problems with your script. It was like every 3-10 seconds, when I was aiming from weapon, my crosshair was updated to “zero” position. After resource restart everything was okay, but when I was running this script with AutoStart there was a problem.