[RELEASE]DRP FiveM Framework Core

Not installed correctly, database isnt connecting :slight_smile:

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Large amount of updated added to the Framework, list too long to write:

New UI,
NUI as much we can,
Inventory coming soon :slight_smile:

why can i upload the database

Is this a ESX?

Read it.

Why There isnโ€™t any Framework for C# ? shame.

hey man, long time no see :slight_smile:

I do understand this, although C# is goodโ€ฆ Not a lot of people can use it, therefore making a framework to a lot of the FiveM community unusable if you understand what I am saying?

There are pro and cons to everything and LUA for me personally outweighed doing C# for FiveM

Dude cmon. You joking right? lol

getting error when importing sql to databse :frowning:

Itโ€™s all fine this end, what is the issue?

โ€“ Dumping structure for table drp.character_clothingCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS character_clothing ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, model varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL, clothing_drawables longtext COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL, clothing_textures longtext COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL, clothing_palette longtext COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL, props_drawables varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL, props_textures varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL, overlays_drawables longtext COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL, overlays_opacity longtext COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL, overlays_colours longtext COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL, char_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY FK_character_clothing_characters (char_id), CONSTRAINT FK_character_clothing_characters FOREIGN KEY (char_id) REFERENCES characters (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin

I really enjoyed using this Framework.

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The Tables want to create a database called DRP not goigarg

The addon link is not working

Framework still active? or you gave up? :drooling_face:

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Any police job for this framework?

yes he is currently working on it

yes he is very active and if he is not active hes very active