[Release] Darkstore - A Hidden store for restricted items - ESX - V1.0

So i’ve created my own script based on esx_shops and i did some good work on it, well optimized script works with all ESX versions, i’ve been looking for a similar script but it seems there’s nothing except for esx_DarkShops as it is outdated and not working anymore, so i had to improvise and share with you guys my first release ever, hope you enjoy it.


Type “/tp -1220.952 -170.450 38.400” to go to the location
(you can change the location in “esx_darkstore/config.lua”)

How to install:

  1. Download the plugin. (the link down below)
  2. Place it in your resources folder
  3. Import the esx_darkstore.sql to your Database
  4. Open your server.cfg and type start esx_darkstore
  5. Start the server and go to the location
  • Logs
    v1.0 (current version)
    v1.1 (comming soon)

  • Download

i will be providing support.


need blackmoney??? for this?

yes, all the items will be purchased with blackmoney

sorry im still confused over the esx stuff, is the items sold here the limit kind or the weight kind. i guess it does not really matter. im using the old limit style of items. i should be able to plug in items I already have in my database right?

Is this script using Limit System or weight?

It uses the limit system as you can see on the sql file

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Lovely I’ll try to upload it to my server later :smiley:
btw thanks for improving it :slight_smile:

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if you have weight instead of limit you just have to edit the “esx_darkstore.sql” go to:

CREATE TABLE `darkstore` (
	`store` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
	`item` varchar(100) NOT NULL, --- change this from "item" to "weight"
	`price` int(11) NOT NULL,


also if you’re using item version, you probably don’t have to change anything in the SQL file, just import it into your database and you’re good to go.

:smile: :smile: :smile: this made me laugh so much … talk about blowing your own bubble :smile: :smile: good work on the script dude

where I edit so that instead of black_money I can use normal money

Go to /esx_darkstore/server/main.lua
Edit these lines 84 89 95

and what i need to put

  • Original
	if xPlayer.getAccount('black_money').money >= price then
		-- can the player carry the said amount of x item?
		if sourceItem.limit ~= -1 and (sourceItem.count + amount) > sourceItem.limit then
			TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('player_cannot_hold'))
			xPlayer.removeAccountMoney('black_money', price)
			xPlayer.addInventoryItem(itemName, amount)
			TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('bought', amount, itemLabel, price))
		local missingMoney = price - xPlayer.getMoney('black')
		TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('not_enough_black', missingmoney))
  • New
		if sourceItem.limit ~= -1 and (sourceItem.count + amount) > sourceItem.limit then
			TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('player_cannot_hold'))
			xPlayer.removeAccountMoney('cash', price)
			xPlayer.addInventoryItem(itemName, amount)
			TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('bought', amount, itemLabel, price))
		local missingMoney = price - xPlayer.getMoney()
		TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('not_enough', missingmoney))

thank you

hi, thanks for the share. How can i add items to the darkstores? i add them in the database and in the config.lua in items [ ] but when i enter to the darkstore dont show any item

make sure the items are usable, and also make sure you insterted the right values at the right columns

i have the same problem , how do i make sure that

where is this located ??

Jak dodać coś do darkshopu?