[RELEASE] d3x_vehicleshop

Hi Bro just want to thank you for this script it works so great i love it So Big thanks. Do you know how i can add a new dealership in sandy i can do it with normal vehicleshop but ur script im finding it hard to do it because the name as to be d3x_vehicleshop any help would be great thank you

hi bro i love your script but there is a problem esx_ambulancejob stops working which is a dependency on esx_vehicleshop, any help with that?

Hi Max_Tube go in to esx_ambulancejob and find any thing that says esx_vehicleshop and put
d3x_vehicleshop in its place ok do that to any thing that needs esx_vehicleshop ok good to go

When i press the buy button , it disappears the catalog and freezes

I have tested it, everything fine, but what version of ESX are you using? cause I’m getting errors with vehicle data.

good for vrp?

Nice work, a very well designed script. I have only found one problem, the optimization.
Which has been easy to fix:
(on the menu)

(on the street)

(on the menu)

(on the street)

can i make a second Vehicle Shop of this too ?

Hey, I don’t know why, but trying to import images through a link does not work for me

I have a problem. I’ve not changed any code, added the sql and Idk why I can’t resell the car after I buy it, I go to the resell blip the message appears on the top left and when I click [E] nothing happens and I think it isn’t adding the car to the owned_vehicles on my DB.

I’ve fixed it, don’t need help anymore

for avoiding long line code images

just delete all HTML/Imgs/4C.png
---- for PNG— add this line :

— For JPG — add this line :

that mean all images you add inside the Html/imgs/= loading


Where can I translate the whole Vehicleshop? Like the buy & test drive buttons

i got error with ambulance job and police job, cant store to job garage

Everywhere in fxmanifest.lua or __resource.lua where dependencies have esx_vehicleshop, need to change to d3x_vehicleshop. After that clear cache and run your server and will work :slight_smile:

Hello when i click on TEST DRIVE or BUY then menu
disappears and i cant do nothing

Can you please explain to me how?

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Go to your resources map search esx_vehicleshop in files (i used totalcommander to do this). After that open all files (just readme.md not) with notepad++ or anything else what can use to modify server files and press ctrl + f . After that press replace ear and write esx_vehicleshop to find that place, after that write d3x_vehicleshop to replace with place. Now press the replace all in all opened documents button. If done, save all files whats you opened to change.

Okay thank you very much!
Do you tested it with advancedgarage?

i dunno what im doing wrong i installed everything like i should but still got some errors this one https://prnt.sc/uv2nwy (yes i have the mythy notification version u also linked in this post)
the second thing is when i click on buy or testdrive the menu dissapears and everything is frozen
and also there is no new collum for the images
can anybody help me or is there a fix for those issues ?
and ofc sorry for my english its not my motherlanguage :slight_smile: