[RELEASE] d3x_vehicleshop

Could you please do a job version with a boss?

So i found i bug think, if a player rent a car and have a friend waiting for him to take the rented car, the car won’t despawn after the cooldown

Bro when i click on watch catalog i can t move and nothing load… Why?

May be in the future, not for now.

  • Check if the script folder’s name is " d3x_vehicleshop ";
  • Check if your db is equal to mine

How do I change it from the euro symbol to a $

How would I make this compatible with esx_policejob and esx_ambulancejob?


Can you update sql file ? I inject that file to database and my vehicle_categories and vehicles is empty.

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Can u make a version using the latest mythic notify?

Disclaimer: I do not own the script
U need to fill by yourself depends what cars u have on your server…
or use GTA V cars.
just insert a new row on the vehicles table fill the model with your car ID “id of car is when u spawn a car like /car ID”
and name is the name u want for the car the rest i think is self explanatory

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I tried everything, but seems like it can’t spawn the car.
It takes your money but the car won’t spawn anywhere.

How did you fix it?

Can someone help me with this problem i tried everything use that mythic notify, last version of d3x_vehicleshop and nothing. Please help me.
It need any other script? https://streamable.com/26erad

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the image for vehicles is not loading. I have added it in the fxmanifest and put it correctly in the database (Yes, with the .png at the end) but it won’t work.
Has anyone had the problem and found a fix?
Best regards

Working nice,
i little edit css


That looks good! Can you send me your code or share to everyone?

dont change the script name

[d3x_vehicleshop] An error happens on MySQL for query “INSERT INTO owned_vehicles (owner, plate, vehicle) VALUES (‘747658844d33c69989f26f040e1dce2c4d2e6554’, ‘XPG 176’, ‘{“tyreSmokeColor”:[255,255,255],“xenonColor”:255,“modTurbo”:false,“modDial”:-1,“modRoof”:-1,“modTrimB”:-1,“plateIndex”:0,“modFender”:-1,“modExhaust”:-1,“modEngineBlock”:-1,“modSpeakers”:-1,“modAerials”:-1,“modHorns”:-1,“modEngine”:-1,“modTrimA”:-1,“windowTint”:-1,“modSideSkirt”:-1,“modShifterLeavers”:-1,“color2”:0,“neonColor”:[255,0,255],“extras”:{“12”:true,“10”:false},“wheelColor”:7,“modSuspension”:-1,“modAPlate”:-1,“bodyHealth”:959.8,“modLivery”:-1,“modSmokeEnabled”:false,“modPlateHolder”:-1,“wheels”:3,“modStruts”:-1,“modAirFilter”:-1,“modTank”:-1,“modArmor”:-1,“neonEnabled”:[false,false,false,false],“modArchCover”:-1,“model”:634118882,“modTransmission”:-1,“pearlescentColor”:2,“modRightFender”:-1,“modSpoilers”:-1,“modTrunk”:-1,“modBrakes”:-1,“modSeats”:-1,“modRearBumper”:-1,“plate”:“XPG 176”,“modHood”:-1,“modXenon”:false,“modWindows”:-1,“modBackWheels”:-1,“color1”:111,“dirtLevel”:8.0,“modFrame”:-1,“modGrille”:-1,“modSteeringWheel”:-1,“fuelLevel”:80.0,“modDoorSpeaker”:-1,“modDashboard”:-1,“modOrnaments”:-1,“modFrontWheels”:-1,“modVanityPlate”:-1,“modHydrolic”:-1,“modFrontBumper”:-1,“engineHealth”:1000.0}’)”: ER_DUP_ENTRY: Duplicate entry ‘XPG 176’ for key ‘PRIMARY’

why such an error can be?

 Duplicate entry ‘XPG 176’ for key ‘PRIMARY’

There already is a vehicle with those plates in the table.