[RELEASE] d3x_vehicleshop

Same here.

Ola duarte. Eu estou com problemas em termos do html em que pessoas com resolução baixa tem problemas a ver o menu. Achas que podias ajudar-me?

Is anyone able to help me with not being able to sell a vehicle back?

Rico how did u fix this?

Eu por enquanto nao estou a dar suporte a este script mas posso te dizer que para isso nao acontecer tens de mudar as medidas todas de pixeis para vh e vw, no css.

this is my design on the server :slight_smile:

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hello, would you be available to help me with an error I have with my ambulance job

Duarte não sera que poderias ajudar nisto sff eu estou disposto a pagar uns 5 euros se poderes.

Maybe in your ambulancejob you have a dependency called esx_vehicleshop, go there and delete that or change esx_vehicleshop to d3x_vehicleshop

HackSkillCZ can you tell me how did you change the logo image and did you changed the background color?

so it should say “-master” at the end?

when i click “buy” or “test drive” nothing happens the window just closes


Everything works for me perfectly, the only problem is loading so many photos.

Hey, everytime I press on test drive I get


Is there a fix for this?

Images total not working…

Have everything don like the readme (add image in the imgs folder, put it in database and fxmanifest.lua)
but images not showing!

Hey can you share your resource.lua file and the sql file cause i i’m lazy to put images for manyy carss please

was there a fix for this?


use a .PNG compresser to make them smaller

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Hey can someone please send me a zip of all the car images?

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Ummm…no…that’s part of making a server, plus everyone’s cars are different