[Release] Cuff+ Script | Cuff Script with Animations

Cuff+ Script

Cuff+ is an easy to use cuff script that also contains animations made by ECLIP3S. Just install into your game and enjoy!

Easy cuff script
Hands up animation
Hands up knees animation
Can’t put hands up while cuffed
Can’t drive while cuffed

Installation and Usage
Download the script here
Rename ‘cuff-plus-master’ to ‘cuff-plus’
Add the following line to your server.cfg:

start cuff-plus

Restart your server

After you restarted your good to go!

/cuff (player id) - Cuff the specified player
/hu - Hands up
/huk - Hands up and kneel on ground

V1.1 You no longer can drive while handcuffed
V2.0 Added hands up kneels, now using registercommand native.

Credits to Xander for most of the cuff and handsup code


Screenshot or video?

Currently working on that

Ok I have been looking for a cuff script with animations. I have also been looking for a tackle script.

Moved until a download and release is provided.

Looks alot like Xanders old work…

There a reason you aren’t using the new registercommand native.

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The new registercommand wasnt really working for me, but I could get this to work with a little help.

I would love to see some videos. It already sounds amazing!

It is alot easier.

Try this

RegisterCommand("cuff", function(source, args, raw)
    local plyID = tonumber(args[1])

    TriggerClientEvent("Handcuff", plyID)
end, false)

RegisterCommand("hu", function(source, args, raw)
    local src = source

    TriggerClientEvent("Handsup", src)
end, false)

Oh I think I see what I was doing wrong.

I put in some screenshots if that helps.


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Can we get a video/gif to see the animations

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Once I get /huk working I’ll add a video


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There is a credits section under changelog

Thanks for adding.

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Nice. I know its a WIP but it makes me laugh of what the person getting cuffed’s body looks like :joy:

LMAO much different now, old video.