[RELEASE] CleanUI (cui) character

Okay I understand. And is there a way to still add clothes even if they miss the missing meta data?
For example if there is a hash then the name is getting loaded. If not then the name is NULL but the Clothes are still getting loaded.

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If there is a hash but no name, it will also be skipped (at a later step). You need to add both hash and name if you want it to be on the list, or rework how clothes are selected/displayed, but that would be time-consuming.

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Is there no way to ignore these checks? I saw that you check the Hashes here:

if hash ~= 0 then

                local component, drawable, texture, gxt = GetComponentDataFromHash(hash)

                -- only named components

                if gxt ~= '' then

                    label = GetLabelText(gxt)

                    if label ~= 'NULL' then

                        local blacklisted = false

                        if componentBlacklist ~= nil then

                            if componentBlacklist[component] ~= nil then

                                if componentBlacklist[component][drawable] ~= nil then

                                    if componentBlacklist[component][drawable][texture] ~= nil then

                                        blacklisted = true






                        if not blacklisted then

                            table.insert(result, {

                                name = label,

                                component = component,

                                drawable = drawable,

                                texture = texture








I tweaked some functions and I already got the clothes listed in the creator as “NULL” but they didnt load on my character.
I could go through the menu and had exactly the same number of options as Shirts out of my pack.
So basically I think it wouldnt be that difficult to get them loading. The names are not that important for me.

Hi, Thank you for this amazing script and making it available for free. It has almost everything I expected from a character creator. I also added the arms section to that thanks to @ilconfa above.

The only issue I am having is that original skin menu from ESX Legacy is popping up after I saved my character and if anything changed there it completely mess up the character created. Is there a way to disable skin menu pop up after character creation? Disabling esx_skin is not an option I think as
esx_multicharacter is depending on it.

when i load into my server im just frozen in place and invisible

Make sure you installed everything correctly. Look into the config.lua there you can see additional information. Check your ESX Version and make the changes that could have to be made.

Thank you again for this wonderful cui! I was wondering if there is something that is placing a default decal on the character? I notice that it has a weird tint it adds to the clothing but if I go into vMenu and change badges/logo it removes it. I wasn’t sure if I could find what is causing this somewhere in your script or if it might be from elsewhere.

Any way to change date format? its mm/dd/yyyy but in days i cant put more than 12, i’ve tried to change it in the config to dd/mm/yyyy but nothing happens, any help?

Is there any way to show all clothes, even if it appears as “Null” or “Unnamed”?

Another interesting option would be to show the ID next to the name like “Pendulus Sport Black Sports (3)” or something similar.

I love the character creation of this mod, it is simple and similar to the original online mode, it is easy to create a decent/beauty character!
But the section of clothes and accessories … I have no experience to modify that mod, and it skip a lot of clothes/accesories… And is not compatible with any other clothing store mod (even if they are ugly).

You definitely can, just need to pay for a developer to assist. Unfortunately, a majority of the things that are worthwhile or custom are going to cost you.

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Yeah yeah, money fixes “everything” :wink:
I’m not going to open a server to the public, it’s not my intention.
I have compiled and modified many servers like L2, WoW, Aion, B&S and many others.
But I always modify them to play with friends/girlfriend, just for fun. I will not pay for a modification/customization. I can live without it.

And sorry for the off-topic! If my idea seems absurd will be ignored, and if it will be implemented, in my opinion it would be an improvement… If I learn how to do it, I would share it. But that is not going to happen. :joy:
Anyway, thanks!

We’re down. My character is gone. nothing came up

Processing: image.png…

Hello Guys how i can fix that problem ?

I do everything and nothing wont work
esx_identity dont have this server callback any solution ?

Does anyone know where I would put a server event that I need triggered once the character has been created?

iam not able to delete my character now idk whats going on

character selection, creation, shop and barbar is working fine just deleting the character. it freeze the game then

Has anyone found any solutions for getting addon clothing packs to show up via CUI character?

Hello how to change clothing names to number ?