[RELEASE] CleanUI (cui) character

or also this one: image

Hey I’ve tried for a long time now to install your Cui Character mod. It looks really cool but doesn’t seem to work with my current version of esx_identity. The config file tells me to replace code from identity that is not there. So could you recommend me an exact version of esx_extended and esx_identity?

Thanks for reading, hopefully you can help.

Update: I’ve got rid of the esx_identity error but now I’m getting an error from cui_character:

Error loading script server/main.lua in resource cui_character: @cui_character/server/main.lua:121: attempt to call a nil value (field ‘RegisterCommand’)

Some of the clothes and shoes are missing, how am I able to add them?

Hi, script’s resmon value is too much

Resmon value will drop to 0.4 if you do what I do below


while true do

    --  TODO: make nearby players invisible while using these,

    --  use https://runtime.fivem.net/doc/natives/?_0xE135A9FF3F5D05D8

    --  TODO: possibly charge money for use

    if Config.EnableClothingShops then

        local dstCloth = GetDistanceToLocation(Config.ClothingShops)

        if (dstCloth < 1.0) and (not isVisible) then

            DisplayTooltip('Kıyafetçiye eriş.')

            if IsControlJustPressed(1, 38) then

                TriggerEvent('cui_character:open', { 'apparel' })




    if Config.EnableBarberShops then

        local dstBarber = GetDistanceToLocation(Config.BarberShops)

        if (dstBarber < 1.0) and (not isVisible) then

            DisplayTooltip('Berbere eriş.')

            if IsControlJustPressed(1, 38) then

                TriggerEvent('cui_character:open', { 'style' })




    if Config.EnablePlasticSurgeryUnits then

        local dstSurgery = GetDistanceToLocation(Config.PlasticSurgeryUnits)

        if (dstSurgery < 1.0) and (not isVisible) then

            DisplayTooltip('Plastik cerraha eriş.')

            if IsControlJustPressed(1, 38) then

                TriggerEvent('cui_character:open', { 'features' })




    if Config.EnableNewIdentityProviders then

        local dstIdentity = GetDistanceToLocation(Config.NewIdentityProviders)

        if (dstIdentity < 1.0) and (not isVisible) then

            DisplayTooltip('Kimliğini değiştir.')

            if IsControlJustPressed(1, 38) then

                TriggerEvent('cui_character:open', { 'identity' })







replace with this

local sleep = 2000


while true do


    perform = true

    local player = PlayerPedId()

    local playercoords = GetEntityCoords(player)

    for k,v in pairs(Config.locations) do   

        for i = 1, #v.locations do 

            local locations = v.locations[i]

            if GetDistanceBetweenCoords(playercoords, locations[1], locations[2], locations[3], true) <= 7 then 

                if v.enable == true then

                    perform = false

                    DrawMarker(2, locations[1], locations[2], locations[3] + 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)

                    DrawText3D(locations[1], locations[2], locations[3] + 1.4, '~g~E~s~ - Menuye eris')

                    if GetDistanceBetweenCoords(playercoords, locations[1], locations[2], locations[3], true) <= 2 and v.this == "clothes" and IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then

                            TriggerEvent('cui_character:open', { 'apparel' })

                    elseif GetDistanceBetweenCoords(playercoords, locations[1], locations[2], locations[3], true) <= 2 and v.this == "barber" and IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then

                        TriggerEvent('cui_character:open', { 'style' })

                    elseif GetDistanceBetweenCoords(playercoords, locations[1], locations[2], locations[3], true) <= 2 and v.this == "plastic" and IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then

                        TriggerEvent('cui_character:open', { 'features' })

                    elseif GetDistanceBetweenCoords(playercoords, locations[1], locations[2], locations[3], true) <= 2 and v.this == "identity" and IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then

                        TriggerEvent('cui_character:open', { 'identity' })







    if perform then

        sleep = 2000

    elseif not perform then

        sleep = 7




and Add this to config.lua
Config.locations = {

['Kıyafetçi'] = {

    this = "clothes",

    enable = true,

    locations = {

        vector3(72.3, -1399.1, 28.4),

        vector3(-703.8, -152.3, 36.4),

        vector3(-167.9, -299.0, 38.7),

        vector3(428.7, -800.1, 28.5),

        vector3(-829.4, -1073.7, 10.3),

        vector3(-1447.8, -242.5, 48.8),

        vector3(11.6, 6514.2, 30.9),

        vector3(123.6, -219.4, 53.6),

        vector3(1696.3, 4829.3, 41.1),

        vector3(618.1, 2759.6, 41.1),

        vector3(1190.6, 2713.4, 37.2),

        vector3(-1193.4, -772.3, 16.3),

        vector3(-3172.5, 1048.1, 19.9),

        vector3(-1108.4, 2708.9, 18.1)



['Berber'] = {

    this = "barber",

    enable = true,

    locations = {

        vector3(-814.3, -183.8, 36.6),

        vector3(136.8, -1708.4, 28.3),

        vector3(-1282.6, -1116.8, 6.0),

        vector3(1931.5, 3729.7, 31.8),

        vector3(1212.8, -472.9, 65.2),

        vector3(-32.9, -152.3, 56.1),

        vector3(-278.1, 6228.5, 30.7)



['Plastik cerrah'] = {

    this = "plastic",

    enable = true,

    locations = {

        vector3(338.8, -1394.5, 31.5),      -- Central Los Santos Medical Center

        -- vector3(240.2, -1380.0, 33.7),   -- Los Santos General Hospital (Coroner)

        -- vector3(1152.2, -1528.0, 34.8),  -- St Fiacre Hospital for East Los Santos

        vector3(-874.7, -307.5, 38.5),      -- Portola Trinity Medical Center

        vector3(-676.7, 311.5, 82.5),       -- Eclipse Medical Tower

        vector3(-449.8, -341.0, 33.7),      -- Mount Zonah Medical Center

        vector3(319.2, -580.8, 43.32),       -- Pillbox Hill Medical Center

        -- vector3(1839.5, 3672.5, 33.2),   -- Sandy Shores Medical Center

        -- vector3(-246.9, 6330.5, 31.4)    -- The Bay Care Center (Paleto)



['Yeni kimlik'] = {

    this = "identity",

    enable = true,

    locations = {

        -- vector3(233.2, -410.1, 47.3),    -- Los Santos City Hall

        vector3(-544.9, -204.4, 37.5),      -- Rockford Hills City Hall

        -- vector3(328.5, -1581.8, 31.9),   -- Davis City Hall

        -- vector3(-1283.4, -565.1, 31.0)   -- Del Perro City Hall




Thank you for this nice share.


Wil you ever update this so that it could be used withes_extended 2.02?


  • Added clothes blacklisting. Blacklisted clothes will not appear on the lists in ‘apparel’ section.

This is disabled by default. You can enable it by uncommenting ‘client/blacklist.lua’ in fxmanifest.

As an example blacklist file I added all the clothes combinations in this EUP. You can blacklist any clothes component or prop by editing this file.

The file might be slightly confusing to read, because I wanted to use table indexes for fast lookup.

Example entry:

[component/prop] = 
    [drawable] = 
        [texture] = true,
        [texture2] = true,
        -- more textures for this drawable here
    -- more drawables for this component/prop here
-- more components/props here

Hello ! Thanks for sharing this.

I followed every steps but when my player spawn, I’m froze just like this, without any error :

Any idea ?


It looks like the resource didn’t event start since your character model didn’t change. Are you sure you actually enabled it in your server.cfg?

Also make sure you DON’T use skinchanger or esx_skin as they WILL completely break with cui_character.

The resource starts correctly.

Oh so I do have to turn off esx_skin & skinchanger in my server.cfg ?

Ok, so, I removed esx_skin and skinchanger from my server.cfg. Now I’m invisible, frozen and the command /character or any other one does not works at all.

I searched for any error, server or client, there’s none. I’ve modified the client.lua of the cui_character and wrote a print when the open menu is triggered by the ESX.RegisterCommand, and it prints good but nothing opens.

You have to erase the user in db cause the skin its not the same as esx_skin

Done. But still frozen, can’t move at all (only if I stop cui_character) :confused:

And we can see that it is running. Commands does not trigger any error of any kind.

Are you tring to use esx_identity integration?

With or without, same problem… (Uncommented the esx_identity thing in the fxmanifest tho).

Removing my user line on my db everytime I test something new. But nothing happens.

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[es_extended] [WARNING] Server callback “esx_skin:getPlayerSkin” does not exist. Make sure that the server sided file really is loading, an error in that file might cause it to not load.
[es_extended] [WARNING] Server callback “cui_character:getIdentity” does not exist. Make sure that the server sided file really is loading, an error in that file might cause it to not load.

What is this error with the new update??? Before all worked out really good and now not.

and there is only just that black screen…

So guys please don’t update yet before making a backup. I now went back to the older version and now it all works again…

Make sure you setup the script nice and clean, I’m using it flawlessly.

I just updated the files that got changed and then the problem started… Before all worked fine with the older version of it.

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Are you going to add another tattoo shop?

For me worked just fine but the problem is that i cant implement it because the skin options arent the same and the work clothes are all changed

Same error that I’m receiving