Creates a health function for the vehicle, giving you a control to when it can break because damage.
Thank you sir! I was having one heck of a time trying to fix car crash. And this is Lua so easily changeable, unlike .DLLs that require visuals.
I’ll test that for sure
Any idea on how a player can repair the vehicle ?
Thanks for the release
it doesn’t have a repair feature, use it with the towtruck for the moment and i will add a repair option for triple A or something similar maybe to a job. the script is set for the engine to break at 85% and i sugest to not change that ( trust me , it;s a lot anyway ) because GTA logic on crash is not that good, you can crash a few times for 85% .
Thank you again HBK, for your answer and your release. Works perfectly
hello i found bug with getEntityHealt (getEntityHealt use GetVehicleBodyHealth(playerCar))
if you shoot in windows this vehicle take damage (if shoot with assaut rifle vehicle is healt = 0 just with window)
my advice use GetVehicleEngineHealth(playerCar) for result in damage engine degat taken just with engine (dont work in crash with rear engine)
while true do
playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
if playerPed then
playerCar = GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed, false)
if playerCar and GetPedInVehicleSeat(playerCar, -1) == playerPed then
if GetVehicleEngineHealth(playerCar) < 960 then --max 1000 min 0
SetVehicleUndriveable(playerCar, 1)
-- tester si je tire dessus voir le resultat
Thanks a lot! This is exactly what we need for the mechanic job
For information there is a function/resource for a another heal information.
GetVehicleBodyHealth OR GetVehicleBodyHealth_2 (same information, not the same value type) (one 0 to 1000 and other 0.0 to 100.0)
GetVehicleEngineHealth (0 to 1000, if < 0 the motor start to burn and at a moment the car explod) (there have two smokes white if value < 200, black if value < 100 or 20, need to confirm values)
(is maybe a good idee to setdamage to 10 when you make the car undrivable to see the motor smoke)
There GetVehiclePetrolTankHealth but i’m not sure if is only for the tow/trailer
For flight veh (not tested at the moment) :
sorry for my bad english
Thank you! We needed this
this was just the beginning, script will be related to car engine so that a mechanic can be able to fix it, i was just getting bored of that dll that was not working at all.
and whats the function for setting the vehicle damage?
there is not, the function to create a return in % was made by me, i would need to create that for engine
try SetVehicleBodyHealth
void Native.SetVehicleBodyHealth(int vehicle, float value)
Native N° : B77D05AC8C78AADB
thanks for this release !
Nice release dude !!
Hi I have installed the script its works great parked shows ya a worry if I kick in the car it breaks down and it can modify its
Can someone show this script with the engine smoke option?
Ive got something going on that works, but youll have to wait till Iet home in a few hours
Thank you very much…
Also anyone know why personal vehicles do not take any damage with this script??
Just a question, actually there is no script to repair vehicule, right ?