[Release] Calm AI

This script no longer seems to work. My AI is as nuts as ever when bullets fly.

Stopped support for this script a while ago. If anyone has an update for newer versions of FiveM, feel free to message me

@Deadfool to calm down the Lost MC members, go to client.lua and add SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(1, GetHashKey(“AMBIENT_GANG_LOST”), GetHashKey(‘PLAYER’))

So it should look like this

SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(1, GetHashKey(“AMBIENT_GANG_HILLBILLY”), GetHashKey(‘PLAYER’))
SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(1, GetHashKey(“AMBIENT_GANG_BALLAS”), GetHashKey(‘PLAYER’))
SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(1, GetHashKey(“AMBIENT_GANG_MEXICAN”), GetHashKey(‘PLAYER’))
SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(1, GetHashKey(“AMBIENT_GANG_FAMILY”), GetHashKey(‘PLAYER’))
SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(1, GetHashKey(“AMBIENT_GANG_MARABUNTE”), GetHashKey(‘PLAYER’))
SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(1, GetHashKey(“AMBIENT_GANG_LOST”), GetHashKey(‘PLAYER’))
SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(1, GetHashKey(“AMBIENT_GANG_SALVA”), GetHashKey(‘PLAYER’))
SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(1, GetHashKey(“GANG_1”), GetHashKey(‘PLAYER’))
SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(1, GetHashKey(“GANG_2”), GetHashKey(‘PLAYER’))
SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(1, GetHashKey(“GANG_9”), GetHashKey(‘PLAYER’))
SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(1, GetHashKey(“GANG_10”), GetHashKey(‘PLAYER’))
SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(1, GetHashKey(“FIREMAN”), GetHashKey(‘PLAYER’))
SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(1, GetHashKey(“MEDIC”), GetHashKey(‘PLAYER’))
SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(1, GetHashKey(“COP”), GetHashKey(‘PLAYER’))

He included the Lost MC in the script but just didn’t add it to the client.lua. but just a FYI, the
AMBIENT_GANG_MARABUNTE should look like all the others, don’t put the GetHashKey(‘PLAYER’)) at the bottom, it should match the rest of the code, for some reason when I pasted it in here it put that at the bottom but it should all line up, if you don’t understand, please let me know and I can show you the code.

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BUG: Ai’s still ram your car and go crazy when you shoot but they no longer attack.


Please tell me. My gangs have disappeared. That is, single NPC go, and so that they would not stand in groups. What parameter affects this

Love the script…If I wanted the gangs to hate each other I get it under relationships to add the hate to whichever group…now what does Gang_1, 2, 9, 10 represent? Was wondering if I could have it set so the players that are in the gang job are safe around them but other gangs are not safe around them…example if player (ballas) is in lost area the ai lost will attack him…hope that makes sense and hope someone can help me out…THANKS in advance

Still seems the AI runs you over when shooting.

I’ve found a way to light Your requirements are in this script.
NPCs will ignore you.
,NPC will not hurt you
CalmAI.rar (4.2 KB)

,NPC will not mess with you at all.
,NPC will not hurt each other
,NPC will not kill each other

Do I look better? ha ha ha ha ha

the calm ai doesnt work at all. or im doing something wrong

No, not at all. This resource quit working a long time ago due to FiveM updates. If you look above, you will see my replies not long after it stopped working out of the blue. I’ve since switched to QBCore and never been more happy.