Hey there fellow ESX framework users. Let me keep it shorts, we all know esx has its bugs here and there. Recently more and more people approached me for solutions on some basic bugs with scripts running on the esx framework, so here I am releasing my fix for them. If you already found a fix for these issues or have a better solution or alternative fixes, please post them below. This is mean to help those who are newer to the framework or do not understand much about coding.
Don’t even get me started there. I am aware people have got working trunks on their servers, however some people don’t, and some have but are very abusive. Let dive into some exploits and fixes.
- Spamming items out and in the trunk for duping.
- Putting a weapon in and taking it out with 1 bullet so the weapon stays in the trunk but you also get the weapon (duping).
- Accessing trunks at the same time for dupes.
The fix is simple, add a weight to items such as dirty money and weapons so they cannot be placed in the trunk (in config.lua), as well as remove the delay when taking out items or placing them in the trunk (in client.lua). If you still do not know how to do it, I will include my trunk script in the script downloads bellow and you can have a look at it and configure it to your liking.
Reviving yourself when dead
This is a bug with the esx_identity script. Whilst the bug doesn’t revive you server wise (you are still dead on the database), it does revive you client wise, allowing you to walk around and be like a normal person (till you autorespawn ofc).
How the bug works is a user types /register, gets to the character creation and changes his gender once or twice, allowing him to get up from the ragdol state and have a health refil as gta detects a new model load.
How to fix: Go into your esx_identity server.lua file and make the register command admin only. Yes it has a down side to it but that’s the easiest fix. If you want a more advanced one, just add a health check on the command or a mysql search to make sure the user isn’t dead (this requires esx_ambulance tho but most servers have that anyways)
Glitching Esx_Jobs to make billions
Common thing to do amongst those with Cheat Engine or any other value editing softwares. How the bug works is the user exploits the return vehicle. Normally with esx jobs, you lose 2000$ when you take out a work car and then get it back if you return it undamaged. But you will lose some money if you damage it. Users abuse this as the return message is a client side script and can change the return value to billions.
How to fix: Simple, remove the return function for all jobs and make it so it takes 0$ when a user takes out a job vehicle. Once again my version of the job scripts will be in the download.
Realestate Agent job abuse
The script itself is abused as it doesn’t check how much money a user has, so agents can sell you a property for 2 billion let’s say and you will go to -2 bil and they will gain 2 bil. Also here is a suggestion, remove the renting option as it is sort of bugged, and remove the Customers option as it lags your server a lot.
Fix: Here is the correct selling function that you should add in your server lua file
AddEventHandler('esx_realestateagentjob:sell', function(target, property, price)
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(target)
if price == nil or price <= 0 or price > xPlayer.getMoney() then
TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('invalid_amount'))
TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount', 'society_realestateagent', function(account)
TriggerEvent('esx_property:setPropertyOwned', property, price, false, xPlayer.identifier)
Once again the script with all my other changes will be available for download.
Banker Job interest fix/alternative and max account balance
This is done in order to stop your economy from inflation. This is just an example tho and can be altered. What my version of the script does is limit an account to 5 million max (so you cannot deposit more or gain interest), as well as revamps the interest function. Instead of using the cron function which for me is pretty broke, it uses ticks. Every server restart (after 10 minutes of the server being up so fast restarts don’t affect the interest), the bank interest script will run. After that it will remain idle for 12 hours and run again. Also I lowered the interest to 2% since it now runs 2 times a day.
Everything is done in the server lua file:
AddEventHandler('esx_bankerjob:customerDeposit', function (target, amount)
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(target)
TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount', 'society_banker', function (account)
if amount > 0 and account.money >= amount then
TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getAccount', 'bank_savings', xPlayer.identifier, function (account)
if account.money + amount <= 5000000 then
TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount', 'society_banker', function (account)
TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', xPlayer.source, _U('invalid_amount'))
TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', xPlayer.source, _U('invalid_amount'))
Citizen.CreateThread( function()
while true do
local asyncTasks = {}
'SELECT * FROM addon_account_data WHERE account_name = @account_name',
{ ['@account_name'] = 'bank_savings' },
function (result)
local bankInterests = 0
for i=1, #result, 1 do
local foundPlayer = false
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromIdentifier(result[i].owner)
if xPlayer ~= nil then
TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getAccount', 'bank_savings', xPlayer.identifier, function (account)
local interests = math.floor(account.money / 100 * 2)
local remaining = math.floor(5000000 - account.money)
bankInterests = bankInterests + interests
table.insert(asyncTasks, function(cb)
if account.money + interests <= 5000000 then
if account.money + interests >= 5100000 then
local interests = math.floor(result[i].money / 100 * 2)
local newMoney = result[i].money + interests;
bankInterests = bankInterests + interests
local scope = function (newMoney, owner)
table.insert(asyncTasks, function (cb)
'UPDATE addon_account_data SET money = @money WHERE owner = @owner AND account_name = @account_name',
['@money'] = newMoney,
['@owner'] = owner,
['@account_name'] = 'bank_savings',
function (rowsChanged)
scope(newMoney, result[i].owner)
TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount', 'society_banker', function (account)
Async.parallelLimit(asyncTasks, 5, function (results)
print('[BANK] Calculated interests')
Make sure to change up the values if you want to limit the max account balance or interest gain. This script version will also be available to download.
Animation clipping though walls
Gta has some animations that allow users to clip though walls. This can be abused. Normally all the animations of an esx server would be located in the esx_animations
resource. Some of the default glitched anims would be the mechanic repair under car and the sit on ground anim.
How to remove an animation:
Go in the config.lua file and remove them manually (make sure to double check before deleting something)
Here are the two default bugged anims:
{label = "Mechanic: Repair under car", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "world_human_vehicle_mechanic"}},
{label = "Sit on floor", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_PICNIC"}},
Cops confiscating weapons and items and getting them in their inventory
No one likes corrupt cops and the temptation is too big when someone is getting everything they confiscate. No more! If you are using esx_policejob
then this is for you.
Here is the full confiscate function on the server lua, but what interests you more is the bottom part where the actual items get removed.
AddEventHandler('esx_policejob:confiscatePlayerItem', function(target, itemType, itemName, amount)
local _source = source
local sourceXPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
local targetXPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(target)
if sourceXPlayer.job.name ~= 'police' then
print(('esx_policejob: %s attempted to confiscate!'):format(xPlayer.identifier))
if itemType == 'item_standard' then
local targetItem = targetXPlayer.getInventoryItem(itemName)
local sourceItem = sourceXPlayer.getInventoryItem(itemName)
-- does the target player have enough in their inventory?
if targetItem.count > 0 and targetItem.count <= amount then
-- can the player carry the said amount of x item?
if sourceItem.limit ~= -1 and (sourceItem.count + amount) > sourceItem.limit then
TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('quantity_invalid'))
targetXPlayer.removeInventoryItem(itemName, amount)
--sourceXPlayer.addInventoryItem (itemName, amount)
--TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('you_confiscated', amount, sourceItem.label, targetXPlayer.name))
TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', target, _U('got_confiscated', amount, sourceItem.label, sourceXPlayer.name))
TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('quantity_invalid'))
elseif itemType == 'item_account' then
targetXPlayer.removeAccountMoney(itemName, amount)
--sourceXPlayer.addAccountMoney (itemName, amount)
--TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('you_confiscated_account', amount, itemName, targetXPlayer.name))
TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', target, _U('got_confiscated_account', amount, itemName, sourceXPlayer.name))
elseif itemType == 'item_weapon' then
if amount == nil then amount = 0 end
targetXPlayer.removeWeapon(itemName, amount)
--sourceXPlayer.addWeapon (itemName, amount)
--TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('you_confiscated_weapon', ESX.GetWeaponLabel(itemName), targetXPlayer.name, amount))
TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', target, _U('got_confiscated_weapon', ESX.GetWeaponLabel(itemName), amount, sourceXPlayer.name))
Gangs using their storage to dupe items and weapons
Since you need to change a lot of areas in the script to fix this, I added my version of esx mafia in the scripts below, however you can do this with any gang script. What I basically did for the storage items is I made it so every time an item is removed, the menu is refreshed so you cannot dupe it. As for the guns, there is no longer an inventory, as that was client side and people could dupe all the way. Instead, now when a player buys a gun, it will go directly in their inventory.
Duping any throwable item like grenades, sticky bombs, etc
How this works is a player gets one of those throwing weapons, put them in their apartment, takes them out, rince and repeat till you get 25 ammo. Why? Because the apartment storage script duplicates the weapon ammo when you put a gun in. Now that isn’t too harmful for something that actually uses bullets, but for throwing items, well, they are the bullets themselves.
The only fix I came up with so far was just removing those items from player markets. Just a suggestion.
EMS Spamming revives in order to get cash
Pretty self explanatory. Spam the revive button of the player over the 10 second revive period. The player will get revived like 40 times and the EMS will make a lot and a lot of money. This is with the esx_ambulancejob
script and my only fix was putting the revive reward to 0 and just increasing ems salary. After all it is about rp and not how many revives you can get. This is a lazy fix tho so feel free to add stuff to the script if you want.
People using an alternative steam account to evade bans as well as combat loggers
This is legit the most annoying thing to experience. As if you log in with another steam account but have the same rockstar ID, you game license will be the same therefore a tow cannot be created in the users
databse as it would interfere with the other account. So now you got this invisible man running around and RDMing people, and you cannot do much about it other than clientkick
him from the console. But then he could join again and get away with all the stuff he does on this alt account as you do not know his main.
Use this script. It registers the steam, license, ip, online time, last log, etc of any user on a new table called account_info
in your database. And I mean ANY USER. So if someone joins with another steam and he is invisible, you can search his name in account_info
, then copy his license and see what user has that exact same license. Then you can ban his original account though es_admin2 or whatever other script you’re using by putting his identifiers there. It will also stop combat loggers as now you got their IP and all other identifiers.
ID Logs
How to offline ban people in es_admin2
Just a quick tutorial for those who don’t know. You can ban and unban people on es_admin2 without having to restart your server once! Wow right? Ok lol. So here is how you offline ban someone. Get their identifier, license, and IP (if you want) for the database. Then navigate over to es_admin2\data\bans.txt
and open that up. Then just paste the identifiers but make sure that the starting format for each identifier is correct. (look one row bellow)
After you are done banning or unbanning someone. Save the file and close it, then open your server console and type restart es_admin2
and poof, all done.
How to catch instanced players
We all hate instanced people, especially when they are robbing store. Being instanced means being in a server all alone (kind of like a solo session), whilst the rest of the players are on the normal server. Instanced people can only view chat and interact with other players only though there. Now when someone notices they’re instanced, they go on a robbing spree, as no one can catch and arrest them.
How to find them:
Use third part software like the FiveM app on the phone or a discord bot to list all the IDs of players connected to your server. Then check one by one the IDs and see if you can spot them in game or on the leaderboard. If you can’t then just kick that specific ID with the standard /kick ID
command or though the console clientkick ID
A new and more advanced ban system
This is only a suggestion, but here is a more advanced admin system that uses the database as a way to ban or unban people. This also works perfectly with the discord bot addition for esx. Here are the links.
ESX Discord Bot
Players dropping money bags from inventory to dupe them
I don’t have a public fix as a lot of servers use different inventory scripts, however how the bug works is two players get into a car or a bike, one drops money from his inventory, and when they get out they both pick it up. As I said there are different fixes for this as everyone uses their own inventory system. It’s just something to watch out for.
Scripts download
As mentioned before, here is the download for some of the scripts I patched. There are a lot more bugs and patches in esx scripts that can be done. Just thought I would help some newer people by posting this. Enjoy
Esx Scripts.zip (180.6 KB)