Here is a code I made for player who want to be damaged out of the safe zone : Add in in a new thread with while do true. Or in any existings thread with a while. (If you know how to not interfer with the code)
local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
local playerPedIsOut = isPlayerOutOfZone(currentSafezoneCoord , currentSafezoneRadius )
if playerPedIsOut == true then
ApplyDamageToPed( playerPed , 0.01 , false )
To make this mod work : You have to add this in _ressource.lua
Now I have to figure out how to debug the next zone swap. Cause it doesn’t work too.
[EDIT] : Ah ok there is only one zone. The next zone is the final look and pos of the first one. KK perfect ty.
Nice script bro I was needing somthing like that to win some time TY.
-To make thing easy to use… I noticed only after that the blip is in client side. The only weird thing is if you rejoint. The blip is again to the initial position.
This is bad in case of crash/bug/déco. And can lead into exploiting in case of real b.royal mod. May change value server side ?
-I can help you to do that … but you have nice math formula so I guess you won’t need me but :
You add while to count live player. Then if one player alife you draw 3D text GG winner etc… (nice thing to add the player number before the message so if admin are in spec they add count in config.
You could add multiple blip and do : if radius <= (config number) then newzone = (new coord) Then you’ll have real b.royal style blip.
I have no time or would do and share instant
Ah. Another thing : but it’s now bug report. Sometime the map and minimap will be flickering for unknow reason(s)… Dunno where to look at for this.
First. yeah right its better that current, next coord radius is on server side, creatblip part is on client side. i’ll change it soon thank you for suggestion
Second. actually i made already code showing winner text and i’'m using that code in my project, but this resource’s only about safe zone (not battle royal mode). so i think people will make it themself
Third. maybe you’re saying about showing target safezone coord, radius with blip to help player make strategy
yeah right. i think that’s good idea, i’ll add it thank you