yeah right and you can set targetsafezone like TriggerEvent(‘brv:setTargetSafezone’ …
i put this two at the end of the client.lua of your resources and restart it but nothing happened
TriggerEvent(‘brv:setCurrentSafezone’, {x=-33.777 ,y=-1102.021, z=25.422 }, 100)
TriggerEvent(‘brv:targetSafezoneCoord’, {x=-33.777 ,y=-1102.021, z=25.422 }, 50)
here you go thanks
This guy just released a script rhat doesnt work and didnt provide any tutorial on how to make it work not everyone knows how to code i want you to put that in your mind same with easy pickup doesnt work too why do you even release stuff thats unfinished
Its very nice . I am waiting update if you can do it like battle royal mode woOoOow
Thanks man you are good man
any update ?
Can you give me how to set a video link?
Can you give me how to set this script a video?
where put Coordinates ?
Can anyone do zones that move randomly on a timer?
doesn’t work nothing appears …
TriggerEvent (‘brv: setCurrentSafezone’, {x = -33.777, y = -1102.021, z = 25.422}, 100)
TriggerEvent (’ brv: targetSafezoneCoord ', {x = -33,777, y = -1102,021, z = 25,422}, 50)
TriggerEvent ('brv: setCurrentSafezone', {x = -33.777, y = -1102.021, z = 25.422}, 100)
TriggerEvent (' brv: targetSafezoneCoord ', {x = -33,777, y = -1102,021, z = 25,422}, 50)
while true do
if currentSafezoneCoord ~= nil and currentSafezoneRadius ~= nil then
DrawMarker(1, currentSafezoneCoord.x, currentSafezoneCoord.y, currentSafezoneCoord.z - 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, currentSafezoneRadius * 2.0, currentSafezoneRadius * 2.0, 80.0, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
im not 100% sure but my guess would be to install [RELEASE]Setro-Announce: Announcements system with visuals that stand out and sound! (Fixed bug) then TriggerEvent(“announce”, -1, msg) after triggering the start of the battle royale safe zone or you could use these i believe which is taken from that script
not 100% sure tho
I Have the same problem
how you start the event ?
any command or a npc ?
no set coords option in config.lua file
where shud i put coords ?
the idea is nice, but it would be practical if you would add more config’s/tutorial