[RELEASE] B1G_AmmuJob - Ammunation job with with weapon pieces system

if someone can make pickup boxes animation or like this job ([RELEASE] ESX Deliveries) to take ammo boxes to the Vehicle it will be great!!!

Can you help me pleace.
I have this error:

To be honest, Ive never seen that before, im pretty sure thats not caused by the script, maybe something relate with you Database

Your script has destroyed my other scripts and database too …

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Wrong. You broke your other scripts and your own database.

No one else reported that error so surely you either managed to ruin the script by not following the instructions, or you had another script that wasn’t compatible with this one.


ahhahahah, read me post, you need a brain to use my script, if you dont know you dont use it, and NO, my script didnt break anything, you broke it by yourself.

can you explain what is this ??? STOCKADE.zip

got it its a [addonvehicle] !

Its the ammu van ahah

brother see your en translation !!

its not in english can u provide me proper English file ??

its the default translation, you can find it anywhere lol

I used this a week ago, and all worked properly, but, I downloaded again for a second server, and 1 error appears when I want to take items from the armory.

Error says something like: "concatenate … (label)"

And the location is on client/main.lua:881

  •   for i=1, #items, 1 do
      	table.insert(elements, {label = 'x' .. items[i].count .. ' ' .. items[i].label, value = items[i].name})

So, I can put items but I can’t take them…

I will investigate !

And I would know how to make something with this:

I put a CombatPistol with 50 or 60 or 130 bullets, but when I take it, CombatPistol has always the same bullets (itemName, bullets). And it woulf be perfect to keep the config.

Here is the error on F8 when I click on Take item

thats not possible, i had to change the whole db ahah, sorry

Just checked my own version and the code is the same and it works, probably its your problem, download the script again please :wink:

I did and the error keeps… :disappointed_relieved: It went wrong suddenly, I used to use it normaly

Well, nothing related with the script, probably its your items name or wtv

i have this error in console when i try to harvest pieces of gun http://prntscr.com/pp305t