AlphaLoad is a simple yet sleek loading screen with endless design choices.
Upload AlphaLoad to your resources folder
Add “- AlphaLoad” to AutoStartResources in your citmp-server.yml file
Restart your server
Edit index.html to change the text
Edit line 48 of style.css to change the background
For a different video background, change the video url in index.html
If you’d like to change the icons, goto Find Icons with the Perfect Look & Feel | Font Awesome for reference and edit index.html as needed
If you’d like to change the design of things, use theme.css for reference. (Requires some knowledge of HTML/CSS)
Feel free to change the default things listed to suit your server. Example: Don’t have a discord? Change it to twitter. Etc…
If you want music, place an .ogg file into the AlphaLoad folder and rename it Loading
[details=View Changelog]* 1.0
Added a simple animation to the loading text and ability to have music.
Added a version with Video Background. Also updated __resource.lua.[/details]
Source Code
Default Version:
Video Background Version:
[details=Downloads]Default Version:
Video Background Version: [/details]
Other Work
SleekLoad is an advanced loading screen with endless design choices. It’s like AlphaLoad, but has additional features and is easily configurable.
Web Server
FiveM Server
Download SleekLoad
Upload the contents of “www” to a folder in www or public_html on your webserver
Upload “SleekLoad” to your resources folder
Change the url in index.html of SleekLoad to include load.php at the end of your url. Example: If you have a website called and…
very nice layout im most likely going to switch to this instead of the Gmod look
1 Like
Angry roleplays endorses this script.
1 Like
Hey man, nice script. Simple and cool
v1.0.1 - Added a simple animation to the loading text and ability to have music.
Also added a demo link to view the loading screen, animation and music. There isn’t any audio file included with the files however.
By video, do you mean a video background?
v1.0.2 - Added a version with Video Background. Also updated __resource.lua.
1 Like
I love it and I love you no homo
How to change the video ? I tried to upload on VIMEO but it doesnt work
Have you changed the url in index.html?
Hi ! Yes I changed it but still doesnt work … I uploaded the video on Vimeo
If you have the video downloaded, you can upload it to where index.html and in place of the url just put the name of the video. For example, if the video is named video1, just put video1.mp4
1 Like
Oh really I dont néed to upload in a website and put the url on the index? I will try it thanks
it doesnt work idid what u said me
This should be of some help to you Instead of actually embedding the code as it says, just get the link
September 11, 2020, 8:43pm
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