[Release] [ALPHA] "Arma III" Styled Missions

Your uploaded file is named 2.8.9b is that a mistake or is it the old 2.8.9b you uploaded by mistake? You’re at 2.9.8b now, correct?

mrp-missions_spawn resource is also missing from the links, isn’t it?

Hi Mike,

Thanks Man, I uploaded the wrong file! Will change the main link. Its now 2.9.8c which has all the latest stuff and the missions_spawn resource.

Here it is:
mrp-missions-2.9.8c.zip (173.6 KB)

Is this release stable or in development?

Hi Lance,

That should be pretty stable, but my latest stable version is 2.9.8t, it has its own thread now where the latest releases will be:

This thread is now closed, Please go here for all future updates:

I would like to thank everyone for their help in creating the original resource, and thank @ddraigcymraeg for taking over this project.

Farewell for now!

~ Lance Good :mascot:

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