Hello everyone,

Before further diving in to script details, I’ve made few adjustments to the KNOB’s AI mechanic script and I would like thank him for his AI mechanic script.

AI Mechanic link: [Release] AI Mechanic

AI Doktor is a script that can be activated with a simple command when you are dead. When you are lying on the ground if you type /aimedic a npc doctor spawns near you and revives you.


  • If there are 2 or more doctors in the game /aimedic does not work.(The reason for that is not to role block or further restrict the doctors in the game)
  • ClearPedTasksImmeddiately(player) has become operational otomatically in order to overcome a bug which makes a player to change location after an vital incident.




Türklere ayrıca selam olsun.


  • Added price for treatment. Price paid player to ambulance society bank.
  • Remove AI Doktor vehicles and you can use everywhere now.
  • Optimized codes thanks for @zzazuu for this.
  • Added EN language options.

You can check Preview for new version. Thanks.


The doctor appears outta nowhere? I’d suggest adding an ambulance that responds with a paramedic :stuck_out_tongue:

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I preferred using faggio instead of ambulance so that i could obstruct players from stealing it and ambulance causes traffic issues

Keep up the good work bro! Helal amk!

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Anyway u can help me do that ragdoll when players die lol

Is there a way to make it so if 1 EMS on then this wouldn’t work? Just curious

With your comment I realized that I haven’t updated the 2 doctor option in config.lua and immidiately updated on GitHub

If 1 doctor is present it works but you can change this at ‘config.lua line 5’. Line 5 contains amount of doctors needed to cancel the command, 2,1 your choice.

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Dont work for me, Only spawn the doctor, but dont go to player.

Need to do a hard reboot then… When I did a soft reboot on the script it did the same, once I shut the server down, and started it up, worked perfectly fine for me

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Saw the 0 and was pretty sure that’s what it was, also question is there a way so it bills the player?

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Well, I’ve done it, and it still doesn’t work, Spawn the ems, but it stays still

that death screen looks awesome how did you add it if you dont mind me asking

thanks for the release :slight_smile:

Hi, seems like the script is still not working will spawn the doctor but he does nothing.

Hi, seems like the script is still not working will spawn the doctor but he does nothing. : (

I can help you, please text me

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can you share your effects too? btw what script for bounce thanks for this!

Not sure if it already doe’s or not but maybe make it take money from player’s bank account’s. :slight_smile:

You can change this at ‘config.lua line 5’. Line 5 contains amount of doctors needed to cancel the command, 2,1 your choice.

So cool

By chance is there a way so it bills the player when revived?

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