[RELEASE] Advertisement system for ESX

This script was based on: [Release][ESX] Advert

Job ads for Taxi, Cardealer, Mechanic, Real Estate
Lifeinvader ads: For everyone
Darkweb ads: For everyone but the police (configureable)

Loads of configurement for delays, police access, ad prices in the (config.lua) file

Type /ad [text] for a lifeinvader ad.
Type /jobad [text] for a job ad
Type /darkad [text] for a darkweb ad

Requirements: https://github.com/ESX-Org/es_extended



NEW in Version 2.0
¤ Cleaned up the script
¤ Added job refreshes
¤ Fixed bugs
¤ Added Config
¤ Added locale
¤ Removed mythic_notify requirement

If you find any bugs or need some help use the FiveM page or create an issue in github.

20/2/22 - Script fixed by Mycroft!


Very nice actually. Gotta keep it expensive so people aren’t getting spammed. Definitely gonna use this.

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anybody have script for ads-master but only specific job, like only biker/mafia/cartel use this ads for /darkad ?

Do I understand correctly that you want only these 4 jobs to be able to use /darkad?

Find this line. (line 54 in client.lua)


And change it to

elseif PlayerData.job.name == ‘biker’ or PlayerData.job.name == ‘mafia’ or PlayerData.job.name == ‘cartel’ then


thanks very much

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Moved topic to releases.

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hey nice release. but i got acess dained wen i try to make a dark ad and for the jobs too, no one give me acess

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For darkads - If you are a police officer and you try to use it you get “Access Denied” notification.

For jobads - If you don’t have either “taxi, mechanic or cardealer” job then you get “Access Denied”.

Hi Trickxqster,
Do you know how to lengthen the duration for esxshowadvancednotification? like the ads will stay for 2-3minutes

Is there any way to change the place of the notification? I’m getting mad because I didn’t find it in the script neither in other ones… :frowning:

How to allow more extensive text?
Its possible to change the pic of the msg?
thanks for the good job!

Updated to Version 2.0!

No one can use dark ad its saying you don’t have password

Fixed now

@Trickxqster Thanks for the mod. Only one thing. The money comes off the players cash if they have the money, if they don’t, the ad still gets posted and doesn’t remove money.

Thank you!! Nice script !!!

Hey, is it possible to Trigger the Notification if i ban or warn someone with bwh bans?

hey, it doesen’t work on my server.Does it need to be put in a special place in the cfg?

I’ve noticed that with the esx v1.final you get an error “attempt to call a nil value (field ‘getBank’)”. I just wanted to share this fix with anyone else who was having the error.

Go To Line 119, 140 and Line 161 and Change The Following From

local getbankmoney = xPlayer.getBank()


local getbankmoney = xPlayer.getAccount(‘bank’).money

This should fix your problem, if you have any more questions let me know! :grinning: