[Release] Add-On Vehicle Spawn Menu

it says that it could not start?

Dam it is telling you why it cant start but I will help you need NativeUI

i have but where do i Place the NativeUI folder

In your resources folder and make sure to start NativeUI in the server.cfg

i have but it says Started Resource NativeUi but still this error comes up

Then you will want to post in [Release][Dev] NativeUILua for you can get help fixing the ui

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do u have a download link of those vehicle u using in the script ?
was thinking so i can use those vehicles u got in your config

ITS WORK but , IDK WHY SOME CAR name is 8/7/27AND INVALID MODEL , i check my VEHICLE MODEL its same like the vehicle name , but still the name of the car is 8 , 7 anyone can help me ?

ive followed all the instructions and it does not work so idk is it outdated?

works like a charm for me. you got NativeUI by Frazzle installed? Tried the “M” button?

I have this error on my server. I’m trying to create a server for drift.

  • Warning, I’m Brazilian and I’m using google translator. Disregard any translation error.

yup i just got the same error as well

Yeah same here. looks like a update has broke it maybe? it was working fine earlier

is there is video i can watch to help me im really confused

for anyone with the above error just go into the server folder in the resource and either comment out or delete this block of code (at the top)

local LatestVersion = ''; CurrentVersion = '3.0.3'
local GithubResourceName = 'AddOnVehicleSpawnMenu'

PerformHttpRequest('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Flatracer/FiveM_Resources/master/' .. GithubResourceName .. '/VERSION', function(Error, NewestVersion, Header)
	PerformHttpRequest('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Flatracer/FiveM_Resources/master/' .. GithubResourceName .. '/CHANGES', function(Error, Changes, Header)
		LatestVersion = NewestVersion
		print('## ' .. GetCurrentResourceName())
		print('## Current Version: ' .. CurrentVersion)
		print('## Newest Version: ' .. NewestVersion)
		if CurrentVersion ~= NewestVersion then
			print('## Outdated')
			print('## Check the Topic (type DownloadAOVSM and press enter)')
			print('## For the newest Version!')
			print('CHANGES:\n' .. Changes)
			print('## Up to date!')

AddEventHandler('rconCommand', function(Name, Arguments)
	if Name == 'DownloadAOVSM' and CurrentVersion ~= LatestVersion then
		if os.getenv('HOME') then
			os.execute('open https://forum.cfx.re/t/release-add-on-vehicle-spawn-menu/53063')
			os.execute('start https://forum.cfx.re/t/release-add-on-vehicle-spawn-menu/53063')

Could not find dependency NativeUI for resource AddOnVehicleSpawnMenu.
Couldn’t start resource AddOnVehicleSpawnMenu.

Any idea how to fix this issue? :confused:

Install NativeUI. Start NativeUI before AddOnVehicleSpawnMenu.

so what exactly do I need to get the vehicle to spawn. Im in Add On =Vehicle notepad but im not sure exactly what I need and where ot get it

Read the original post.

link me cause IDK where that is