RedM Blackjack V2.0 [ANY FRAMEWORK][PAID]


This Blackjack script is celebrating over two years of existense and I thought that this should be a valid point to post it here on the CFX forums.

Besides its proven reliability and compatibility to any framework, it is already part of several international RP Servers and enjoys players all around the globe. This makes it the oldest and longest supported available real multiplayer capable Blackjack script for RedM to my knowledge - Even though I post it here for the first time today.

Since creation in early 2022, the script got enhanced and expanded to match the original a e s t h e t i c s of RDR2 story mode Blackjack with a light pinch of self expression.
Visually it tries to match close to the original as well, but steps up with added GUI animation, contextual dealer voice lines and a wide feature set for admins to log and overview the game tables.
The script base itself builds up on a highly adaptable “minigame network logic”, which powers every other game/gambling script I made afterwards (Ludo, Liars Dice) and also from our script team (Texas Hold’Em, Roulette). This script is highly customizable to suit your every need.

Main Goal

Each player at the table is playing against the dealer. Aim is to come as close to number 21 with your cards as possible but not going over.
First, every player is setting a bet to start. If the player wins, the reward gets returned by either 100% (default) or 150% (winning instantly with a “Blackjack” (21)). If a player looses, you receive nothing, so losing your bet.
At the beginning of the game the dealer shuffles the deck and each player and dealer receives two cards. Each cards value gets summed up and then each player can take different actions to receive another card to raise their number (hit, double down), split, or stay at the current value (stand).
The dealer’s second card is hidden until the dealer takes his turn. That way the players can’t tell if they still need to hit/double down to get higher values than him.
If the dealers shown card is an 11 or 10, he checks if the other card matches up to 21 and will instantly win if this is the case. Otherwise the game can continue as normal.


  • Immersive Blackjack script for RedM - close to RDR2.
  • Fluent & synced Dealer and player animations.
  • Can be used with the three standard locations (Rhodes, Van Horn, Blackwater) and also on ANY location you like. It includes a custom Object Spawn and Object Deletion mechanism which makes it possible to place custom objects anywhere you like:
    • Create a blackjack table in the moonshine shack beside the piano? Yep!
    • Clear an area of objects to place a table object and chairs at places which are normally blocked? Sure!
    • Be able to use MLO & YMAP mappings with this script! It works that great, that this is the recommended way. Hurray!
    • Mix and match blackjack tables and chairs to your liking!
  • Highly customizable (NPC, Locations, Blips, Prompts, Rule texts, NUI, webhook).
  • Spawning card objects for players AND people in range.
  • Compatibility layer to make this script interact with custom or public available frameworks.
  • NPC and props spawn only when player is nearby to reduce usage of RDR2 object limits and population density .
  • Up to 4 players per table in parallel and any amount of tables in your game world.
  • Each configured table runs in its own server thread, which gets only started if at least 1 player sits at the table.
  • Sexy animated UI. You can edit it to your needs using CSS/JS.
  • Support for up to 4k & 5k scaling of NUI via CSS.
  • Usage of general Events due gaming provides other scripts entry points to act on player win/loose or joining/leaving a table:
    • Example: Provide job systems with wins by the dealer to gain income for their company.
    • Example: Deactivate metabolism while playing.
  • Comes with english and german translation config files.

Added in Version 2

  • (NEW):new: Check for Item to access table. E.g. VIP Ticket (EXPERIMENTAL FOR CUSTOM FRAMEWORKS).
  • (NEW):new: Added Discord webhook for admins to monitor common table interactions
  • (NEW):new: Custom table models ALREADY INCLUDED with the script and can be used in your mappings or the scripts own object spawn module.
  • (NEW):new: Added option to split your hand. Configurable per table.
  • (NEW):new: Reworked & Optimized prompts handling for client side.
  • (NEW):new: Different dealer voice lines per table. He counts the cards, greets and farewells the players who are joining/leaving the table. Can be disabled globally.

Screenshots and Video




The script itself is mostly encrypted. You can edit the config, webhook and compatibility file for your framework (if needed). Also all GUI related stuff is changeable (HTML/CSS/JS).

Additional Credits

@DArkSouL1220 (Blip handling)
@Tafé (custom table object in V2 with granted permission to use it within tm_blackjack)

Buy the script

:dollar:Tebex Store

Code is accessible No*
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~3100
Requirements tm_modals
Support Yes
Documentation Gitbook

*Config, NUI, webhook and compatibility file are accessible to customize the script configuration and looks and interact with custom frameworks. Redem:RP and VORP works out of the box.

Other Stuff


Uploaded a small fix for a wrong bet calculation when doubledowning at the table and exceeding the max Bet amount.

Does this one work on RSG