[PAID][ANY] Ludo Board Game

Hello there, this is a script which is available for some time, but not really known and I decided to make this the first script to present here. So…

What is Ludo?

Ludo (/ˈljuːdoʊ/; from Latin ludo ‘[I] play’) is a strategy board game for two to four[a] players, in which the players race their four tokens from start to finish according to the rolls of a single die. Like other cross and circle games, Ludo is derived from the Indian game Pachisi.[1] The game and its variations are popular in many countries and under various names. (from Wikipedia)

More modern variants of this game is the german board game “Mensch ärgere dich nicht” with similar rules. I chose to create “Ludo” as this game was already played in the time of 1899 and i liked the idea to play a game which matches the time most servers play in.



  • Can be used with ANY location you like. It includes a custom Object Spawn and Object Deletion mechanism which makes it possible to place custom objects like a table or chairs. Or just use your own mappings as you like
  • Highly customizable (Locations, Blips, Prompts, Rule texts, NUI)
  • Compatibility layer to make this script interact with custom or public available frameworks
  • Props spawn only when player is nearby to reduce usage of RDR2 object limits
  • Up to 4 players per table in parallel .
  • First player can decide the amount of tokens per player (1-4)
  • Sexy animated UI. You can edit it to your needs using CSS/JS
  • Board is rotatable via arrow keys
  • Configure if additional safety fields are used per table

Screenshots and Video

Additional Credits
@DArkSouL1220 (Blip handling)

Buy the script
Tebex Store

Code is accessible No*
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2000+
Requirements tm_modals
Support Yes
Documentation Gitbook

*Config, NUI and compatibility file are accessible to customize the script configuration and looks and interact with custom frameworks. Redem:RP and VORP works out of the box.


Verified working with more other frameworks like QBCore (forks) besides RedEMRP and Vorp.
If you are using a different or custom framework and have doubts , just get in touch :slight_smile:

made a small fix for correct player naming when using the legacy redem:rp framework.
This will not affect other framework behavior, so update is only mandatory for legacy redemrp servers.

can i use it without framework like full standalone

It is possible, but you would need to use the compatibility file and probably adapt it to your needs.
As long as you are able to provide the script with the players name you don’t really need a (known) framework to use the script.

It uses a compatibility file to communicate with any framework you like. Even if you don’t have a framework. Basically, the script at least needs something to deal with.
You can set the framework in the config to “custom” and use own functions to return what you like or just return a custom string as the player name.

i using like redmenu simular to fivem style i have no idea how to do framework so

you would need something to provide a player name and player money. Only RedMenu will not be sufficient.