RedEM: Roleplay gamemode | The roleplay gamemode for RedM

try this in the fxmanifest.lua for redem serverscripts

server_scripts {

funny thing is u just looked at the manifests and they all have that XD im so confused lol

hmm … then I don’t know what to do :smiley:

I have now almost 2 days only fixed errors since server start … everything is still very fresh and unstable :slight_smile:

oh i see that :smiley: i think its something with the hoot to the sql as the error points to the sql database pretty much and i hate those with a passion lol

i might just wait for some initial final release products rather than betas as i think thats the issue but at least i can start and join my server just map glitches and a few others so i guess i will have to be patient :smiley:

Yes I think the same

since I was active in scripts for a while, I know what an effort that is … it takes a while until a “framework” such as ESX comes along … although many of my esx scripts that have no dependencies work fine in redM :slight_smile:

yeah i was thinking to try turn fivem scripts into redm as they kinda run on same background

does your database have a column for version?

this is line 67 and what is coming back as a nil value:

if(_version[1].id == version)then

more often than not, the answer to your issue is in the error… sv_db.lua , line 67. attempted to index a nil value. in other words, the script was written in such a way as to fully expect that a value would ALWAYS be returned when that check is performed. So it is reasonable to assume one of two things.

A. the script cannot reference the database to retrieve the information


B. the information is not in the database to be retrieved.

Is there any indication that the server is connected to and communicating with the database outside of this error? Are you able to create, save, and view a character within the database? If so, the issue is missing data, such as a table/column. If you’ve had no ability to save data thus far, be sure to double and triple check that

set es_enableCustomData 1
set mysql_connection_string “server=;uid=root;password=password;database=redemrp”

are set above mysql-async and esplugin_mysql in server.cfg… Infact, be absolutely sure that database resources are above redem resources in the server.cfg

ensure/start order is important.

Use the actual latest versions, which isn’t the latest release. Same for anyone else that has issues,

How do I access MySQL?

One of two ways, login to phpmyadmin or use HeidiSQL and login to your MySQL…

thank you god all mighty for the multichar support… no more kashacters-style questions for years to come…

Yeah no problem :smiley:

if you could add in a few shops it would be nice, kinda annoyed you cant get guns either, also i dont see settings for creating jobs?

After installing the .sql I get this error!

[RedEM:RP] Database: Successfully created database
e[31m[ERROR] [MySQL] [redem_roleplay] An error happens on MySQL for query "USE `red`;
ALTER TABLE `characters`
	ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);": ER_DUP_FIELDNAME: Duplicate column name 'id'e[0m
[RedEM:RP] Database: Successfully updated database for version: 2
e[31m[ERROR] [MySQL] [redem_roleplay] An error happens on MySQL for query "USE `red`;
ALTER TABLE `version`
	ADD COLUMN `resource` varchar(50),
    DROP PRIMARY KEY;": ER_CANT_DROP_FIELD_OR_KEY: Can't DROP 'PRIMARY'; check that column/key existse[0m
[RedEM:RP] Database: Successfully updated database for version: 3
[RedEM:RP] Database: Your database is fully up to date!

ESX copy, pathetic.

Hi there!

Let’s start with that I admire and value your direct approach so we can all make a greater future for RedM!

Now you didn’t go into much details so I’d like to ask if you could you please eleborate on what specific parts make this look like ESX, a lot of effort has been put into making sure that’s not the case.

Hope to hear from you soon, I’ll already thank you for not being shy and coming out quickly.



Here you have some examples of stolen code. At least, give credits :stuck_out_tongue:

If you can’t see what’s on the pictures, download the picture and zoom in.


Greatly appreciate the feedback!

I wasn’t aware of these similarities, I’ll put it on the todo list for rewrites. What I did notice is that these aren’t the main resources so they’re not constantly checked by the authoritative staff that exists to avoid these things.

If you’ve got any more then don’t be afraid to provide us with more information!

We thank you for your continued support.

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Tell me what is the problem?

Launched a server using Redem

I go to the server and get: