[RECIPE] PlumeESX - full base 2021!

just click thru it it com,es up latyer

It is still esx V1 Final correct?

no esx v1-final has been removed from the internet this is esx legacy, a better more update version

Ok, what is the version of esx that it would technically be then? Im installing mf-multichar because kashacters hasnt been updated and its apparently a nightmare mess. I have to configure the esx version.

uhhh this topic isnt really for installation support i would recommend just using the multichar that comes with the recipe

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I didnt see one

I’ve just done a fresh install and there are two issues:

  1. Properties doesn’t have the database setup, not a hard fix, just run the sql file
  2. When I have the police job I can’t see the markers for things like clothing or cars etc when I relog, I have to either reset my job to police or restart the police resource to get them back. Does anyone know why this might happen?

You did the Lord’s work posting that recipe! Thank you. Saved me from soooo many headaches.


Why don’t you read the previous 3 pages of posts full of the same questions, each of which was answered in the same way.

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ok im going to start flagging these posts

For anyone wondering this still is not in txAdmin (Saying this to people that are new and dont know)

This has sql errors how do get rid of them please if anyone could help ?

import the sql files to ur database bro…

i did then i get errors

did you setup the db connection in server.cfg

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how do i do that

the recipe is wrong wait for the new version

can i not use the recipe you posted

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not right now

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Plume is back.