[RECIPE] PlumeESX - full base 2021!

so if i try yo download a sever rn your telling me plume is gonna be there for defo

Not just plume, but qbcore and zap’s esx pack as well.

Billing does not work :frowning: Does someone have a fix?

Hi i get lots of databe errors.

User can’t open the inventory.
I also have MySQL errors

[MySQL:5.7.33] [ERROR] [es_extended] An error happens for query “UPDATE users u JOIN (SELECT ‘char2:3e074dc3650fdd217569ae3298c3815d49c6c0f9’ AS identifier, ‘{“bank”:50200,“money”:0,“black_money”:0}’ AS new_accounts, ‘unemployed’ AS new_job, 0 AS new_job_grade, ‘user’ AS new_group, ‘[]’ AS new_loadout, ‘{“x”:-493.1,“y”:-650.9,“z”:32.5,“heading”:283.3}’ AS new_position, ‘[]’ AS new_inventory ) vals ON u.identifier = vals.identifier SET accounts = new_accounts, job = new_job, job_grade = new_job_grade, group = new_group, loadout = new_loadout, position = new_position, inventory = new_inventory : []”: ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_2COLLATIONS: Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb4_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation ‘=’

i have problem with installing it

“[02:47:37] Starting deployment of PlumeESXLegacy to /home/fivem/server/txData/PlumeESXLegacy_6A3D1F.base/
[02:47:37] Running [task1:download_github]… :heavy_check_mark:
[02:47:38] Running [task2:download_github]… :heavy_check_mark:
[02:47:38] Running [task3:move_path]… :x:
[02:47:38] [task3:move_path] failed!
Message: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat ‘/home/fivem/server/txData/PlumeESXLegacy_6A3D1F.base/tmp/plume_esx/server.cfg’
“action”: “move_path”,
“src”: “./tmp/plume_esx/server.cfg”,
“dest”: “./server.cfg””

anybody knows to fix it? Database login are correkt

you need to downgrade your txadmin

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Is their a reason why none of my job menu’s work with this. I use the old Plume auto install on another city & all my menus work & with this new install none my job menus work?

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anyone willing to help… im stuck after loading screen… this is ,y first time connect to plume esx server… no error in my live console & f8…

@SaltySea is plume broken right now?

What should I do when my f6 menu is not working?

I am getting thread errors every time I start the console and I have not even added any extra resources on top of what was already there. How do I fix it

any reason as to why the jobs menus dont work.

It does not work for me either :frowning:

its not working D:

how do i get perms to switch the weather

try it restart it

you most remove vstancer the script is also on F6 so if you delelit it its all work

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Hello! As far as I know there is no function for this. You can try downloading another resource for this like the one below.

Anyone know how to seperate peds in multi character? If 2 people are creating at the same time, they are standing within eachother.


Since ESX is no longer being maintained, I will archive Plume ESX.
Please consider using the QBCore recipe, which can be found at txAdmin’s setup page.