[RECIPE] PlumeESX - full base 2021!

send raw link

send raw link for what? if you mean the recipe just keep in mind the one on github doesnt work out of the box as its made to work once its merged into plume esx here GitHub - Hamy-os/PlumeESX-recipe: PlumeESX: A full featured (13 jobs) and highly configurable yet lightweight ESX v1-final base that can be easily extendable.

why it s removed from tx admin and how can i download it now from tx admin ?

Because ESX made legacy private instead of Archive, we are waiting for them to switch it back.

it will not be switched back? there is an update to plume coming instead.

ESX is not responsible for maintaining accessibility to 3rd party systems, and Plume needs an update anyways, as it was running v1-final rather than legacy, which is deprecated.

ETA on that update?

1 Like


I don’t see it in txAdmin, is PlumeESX removed from it?

Yes it was deleted while ago, try this one it should work.

name: PlumeESXLegacy
version: 3.0.0
author: Tabarra, Hamy & Chip
description: A full featured and highly configurable yet lightweight ESX Legacy base that can be easily extended. 

  # Download default CFX resources
  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/citizenfx/cfx-server-data
    ref: 0169fdddaa9511558cfa17bcf80a832f56c359ff
    subpath: resources
    dest: ./resources
  # Download and prepare server.cfg / loadingscreen / database
  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/hamy-os/PlumeESX-recipe
    ref: main
    dest: ./tmp/plume_esx

  - action: move_path
    src: ./tmp/plume_esx/server.cfg
    dest: ./server.cfg

  - action: move_path
    src: ./tmp/plume_esx/loadingscreen
    dest: ./resources/loadingscreen

  - action: connect_database
  - action: query_database
    file: ./tmp/plume_esx/plume.sql

  # Download basic resources and ESX dependencies

  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/esx-framework/esx-legacy
    ref: 5a6984f0c92f21a68b278d0b629d97f3130d644b
    dest: ./resources/[legacy]

  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/tabarra/simpledrift
    ref: 2ed57c224ae70549fbcfccc957a00ff496b78c77
    dest: ./resources/simpledrift

  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/Bob74/bob74_ipl
    ref: 1f4cec0b41f90762994191d06ad6eb9c038e9ff5
    dest: ./resources/bob74_ipl

  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/Hamy-os/plumehello
    ref: 7518ba43d7f310afd571a407c1f5f2e9862a7d65
    dest: ./resources/plumehello

  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/brouznouf/fivem-mysql-async
    ref: c5fa317a65acfe2eef453257e19e3b4fde137089
    dest: ./resources/mysql-async

  ## KL HUD v2
  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/Kilichi/Kl_HudV2
    ref: ac8a321ff335706509bdc6122a2984a80082e669
    dest: ./resources/[hud]/Kl_HudV2

  - action: replace_string
    file: ./resources/[hud]/Kl_HudV2/client/client.lua
    search: 'esx_status:onTick'
    replace: 'Kl_Hud:onTick'

  ## GCPhone stuff
  - action: download_file
    url: https://github.com/Re-Ignited-Development/Re-Ignited-Phone/releases/download/V1.5/resources-1.2.zip
    path: ./tmp/gcphone.zip
  - action: unzip
    src: ./tmp/gcphone.zip
    dest: ./tmp
  - action: move_path
    src: ./tmp/resources-1.2/gcphone
    dest: ./resources/gcphone

  ## Final touches
  - action: replace_string
    mode: all_vars
    file: ./resources/loadingscreen/config.js
  - action: remove_path
    path: ./tmp

  - action: remove_path
    path: ./resources/esx_example

  - action: remove_path
    path: ./resources/server.cfg
1 Like

Thank you bro, life saver!

i cant run it

Error 404 means the github page doesn’t exist.

No longer available on txAdmin?

How can I fix that?

or how can i install that?

id like to know too

you arent using the right recipe

$engine: 3
name: PlumeESXLegacy
version: 3.0.0
author: Tabarra, Hamy & Chip
description: A full featured and highly configurable yet lightweight ESX Legacy base that can be easily extended. 

  # Download default CFX resources
  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/citizenfx/cfx-server-data
    ref: 0169fdddaa9511558cfa17bcf80a832f56c359ff
    subpath: resources
    dest: ./resources
  # Download and prepare server.cfg / loadingscreen / database
  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/hamy-os/PlumeESX-recipe
    ref: main
    dest: ./tmp/plume_esx

  - action: move_path
    src: ./tmp/plume_esx/server.cfg
    dest: ./server.cfg

  - action: move_path
    src: ./tmp/plume_esx/loadingscreen
    dest: ./resources/loadingscreen

  - action: connect_database
  - action: query_database
    file: ./tmp/plume_esx/plume.sql

  # Download basic resources and ESX dependencies

  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/esx-framework/esx-legacy
    ref: f9d54dfd8f82582cd4a87a41350d6622bdc5a21b
    dest: ./resources/[legacy]

  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/tabarra/simpledrift
    ref: 2ed57c224ae70549fbcfccc957a00ff496b78c77
    dest: ./resources/simpledrift

  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/Bob74/bob74_ipl
    ref: 1f4cec0b41f90762994191d06ad6eb9c038e9ff5
    dest: ./resources/bob74_ipl

  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/Hamy-os/plumehello
    ref: 7518ba43d7f310afd571a407c1f5f2e9862a7d65
    dest: ./resources/plumehello

  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/brouznouf/fivem-mysql-async
    ref: c5fa317a65acfe2eef453257e19e3b4fde137089
    dest: ./resources/mysql-async

  ## KL HUD v2
  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/Kilichi/Kl_HudV2
    ref: ac8a321ff335706509bdc6122a2984a80082e669
    dest: ./resources/[hud]/Kl_HudV2

  - action: replace_string
    file: ./resources/[hud]/Kl_HudV2/client/client.lua
    search: 'esx_status:onTick'
    replace: 'Kl_Hud:onTick'

  ## GCPhone stuff
  - action: download_file
    url: https://github.com/Re-Ignited-Development/Re-Ignited-Phone/releases/download/V1.5/resources-1.2.zip
    path: ./tmp/gcphone.zip
  - action: unzip
    src: ./tmp/gcphone.zip
    dest: ./tmp
  - action: move_path
    src: ./tmp/resources-1.2/gcphone
    dest: ./resources/gcphone

  ## Final touches
  - action: replace_string
    mode: all_vars
    file: ./resources/loadingscreen/config.js
  - action: remove_path
    path: ./tmp

  - action: remove_path
    path: ./resources/esx_example

  - action: remove_path
    path: ./resources/server.cfg


thank you so much!!


Can someone tell me why the download keeps breaking off?