[RECIPE] PlumeESX - full base 2021!

You can expect the ESX recipe to return within a few days.


not working ```

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Missing es_extended from github so will have to wait until they re-upload it :anger:


I have other priorities in life, and will take a few more days to fix this issue.
I asked the ESX team to archive the repo instead of setting it to private, but they didn’t.
So now just wait until I fix this.


Don’t worry Tabarra, just thanks for your great work, don’t pay much attention to impatient people and many many many thanks again :slight_smile: .

Take all the time you need. RL first.


help… what can I do? the github page of es_extended is a 404-Error

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Thank you for your dedication. Highly appreciated


There is no bloody PlumeESX option only CFX for me :frowning_face: im using ZapHosting if that changes anything @tabarra :thinking:



yeh fuck sorry obviously cannot read

How do I remove the basic needs bars? I saw in the config to show bars I set it to false but it only removed the blue one ?
Thank you

Hello :).
You have the news for Plume ESX default install fxserver ?
Thank u

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Just posting a reply on here to remind me to look at the updated yaml file when it’s sorted, thanks for the help with getting this fixed, the ESX team are really un-helpful and rude with their public relations… =/


Hi all,
I managed to run @tabarra 's recipe just fine after modifying the lines that downloaded es_extended in order to download esx_legacy instead.
Not sure if it’s exactly the same, but it worked just fine after modifying all mods manifest in order for the other script to use esx_legacy exports/config/function instead of es_extended.

I used this as recipe (as I said before, it’s the original one from tabarra but modified for downloading esx_legacy)
Recipe2.yaml (8.9 KB)
And I used this bash command inside the ressource folder in order to replace calls to es_extended :
find ./ -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/es_extended/esx_legacy/g' {} \;
Though I can’t guarantee you that every script will work as intended, it’s working pretty fine for me.

Read the messages above.

Why was it disabled?
The ESX team instead of setting their repository to archived, they set it to private - breaking any references to the old links.

When will it be fixed?
Between 14 and 19th of July. Hopefully.

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What’s rude is saying that an entire team is unhelpful and rude - everyone is working on a different framework, on top of their own projects, and the consolidated repo wasn’t some big secret; plans were made over a month ago.

I did recommend leaving the original stuff alone for a while, but miscommunication happens. As for the recipe there is a PR sitting there with everything just awaiting final review.

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I can agree with my blanket statement not being fair, I’m sure there’s some of them that are fine, but in my experience of anyone I’ve interacted with, or their Discord, it’s not good.

They don’t offer any public help without paying and even when you do, which I did, their chat isn’t anything but personal stories not related to the topics and the ticket system just tells me the things I already know, I was banned from the Discord without a reason given.

So you can understand why I have given my own personal rating.

I saw he posted this on a discord for ESX Framework, said to change line 16 to his github, when I can it in TX admin it worked but I got some sort of SQL error so wasn’t sure if his SQL was working or not.

yeah sorry about that was a mis click!

here is the working one

name: PlumeESXLegacy
version: 3.0.0
author: Tabarra, Hamy & Chip
description: A full featured and highly configurable yet lightweight ESX Legacy base that can be easily extended. 

  # Download default CFX resources
  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/citizenfx/cfx-server-data
    ref: 0169fdddaa9511558cfa17bcf80a832f56c359ff
    subpath: resources
    dest: ./resources
  # Download and prepare server.cfg / loadingscreen / database
  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/hamy-os/PlumeESX-recipe
    ref: main
    dest: ./tmp/plume_esx

  - action: move_path
    src: ./tmp/plume_esx/server.cfg
    dest: ./server.cfg

  - action: move_path
    src: ./tmp/plume_esx/loadingscreen
    dest: ./resources/loadingscreen

  - action: connect_database
  - action: query_database
    file: ./tmp/plume_esx/plume.sql

  # Download basic resources and ESX dependencies

  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/esx-framework/esx-legacy
    ref: 5a6984f0c92f21a68b278d0b629d97f3130d644b
    dest: ./resources/[legacy]

  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/tabarra/simpledrift
    ref: 2ed57c224ae70549fbcfccc957a00ff496b78c77
    dest: ./resources/simpledrift

  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/Bob74/bob74_ipl
    ref: 1f4cec0b41f90762994191d06ad6eb9c038e9ff5
    dest: ./resources/bob74_ipl

  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/Hamy-os/plumehello
    ref: 7518ba43d7f310afd571a407c1f5f2e9862a7d65
    dest: ./resources/plumehello

  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/brouznouf/fivem-mysql-async
    ref: c5fa317a65acfe2eef453257e19e3b4fde137089
    dest: ./resources/mysql-async

  ## KL HUD v2
  - action: download_github
    src: https://github.com/Kilichi/Kl_HudV2
    ref: ac8a321ff335706509bdc6122a2984a80082e669
    dest: ./resources/[hud]/Kl_HudV2

  - action: replace_string
    file: ./resources/[hud]/Kl_HudV2/client/client.lua
    search: 'esx_status:onTick'
    replace: 'Kl_Hud:onTick'

  ## GCPhone stuff
  - action: download_file
    url: https://github.com/Re-Ignited-Development/Re-Ignited-Phone/releases/download/V1.5/resources-1.2.zip
    path: ./tmp/gcphone.zip
  - action: unzip
    src: ./tmp/gcphone.zip
    dest: ./tmp
  - action: move_path
    src: ./tmp/resources-1.2/gcphone
    dest: ./resources/gcphone

  ## Final touches
  - action: replace_string
    mode: all_vars
    file: ./resources/loadingscreen/config.js
  - action: remove_path
    path: ./tmp

  - action: remove_path
    path: ./resources/esx_example

  - action: remove_path
    path: ./resources/server.cfg

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