Real Life Roleplay Scripts

What button is it for local chat? Sorry, i am new to this

@cody196 is this project still going on?

@Jonson32 yes but not as paced. got other things to do

please as active in five reborn ?? You have any command list?

@cody196 I’ve put this resource folder into my server and added all the resourses to the citmp-server.yml AutoStartResources, but now it does not start, I run the run.bat, it opens and then closes, what do I do?

@cody196 It has something to do with the resource - PoliceVehicles, when I removed it from the list, the server started normaly.

hi, i downloaded your scripts and noticed some errors in them, i tried to fix them but now i have a problem, the script commands_client.lua and commands_server.lua compiles fine but when i try to enter a command in game nothing happens, i mean i can enter the commands_server.lua commands fine like /commands shows properly but when i try to give a weapon it doesn’t give any weapon or when i try to use /veh, it doesn’t spawn any veh can anyone help me ?

client script :

AddEventHandler(‘giveWeapon’, function(weapon, ammo)
GiveWeaponToChar(GetPlayerPed(), weapon, ammo)

server script :

elseif(command[1] == “/givewep”) then
if not weapons[command[2]] then TriggerClientEvent(‘chatMessage’, source, ‘Server’, { 0, 0x99, 255 }, “^1That’s an unknown weapon.”)
else TriggerClientEvent(‘giveWeapon’, source, weapons[command[2]], 50000)


The Link is not avaible

If anyone has a updated link to this id really appreciate it!

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You don’t want the link. It’s just a copy of someone elses work, and the additional folders that were added don’t even do anything.

hes banned forever! mother fucker… I NEED THIS FILES