[RE-RELEASE] esx_eden garage2: 3 in 1 garage

how can I change the language?

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looking for a Bootshop / Airplaneshop script which is compatible with eden garage2

So I was wondering why when I buy a police car from mysql error can someone help me?

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I modified esx_boatship and esx_aircraft shop and works with eden garage2 now. I can share with you. What is your discord?

Thank u very much man! c:

Your new update has issues and im suprised no one has cottened onto this yet.

If i store my car at Garage _central But the car actual garage is Garage_north when you store it at Garage_central it doesnt update and the resource still thinks the cars home is Garage_north

  • For this you would need to create a way to trigger the move event when stored.

Showing every vehicle you own across every garage seems abit silly? May aswell just then transfer it to you for ease.

  • For this I would suggest making it store the vehicle to that garage when you store it there and remove the option to see every owned vehicle but only show the ones that are stored at this garage.

The police garage now doesnt function correctly due to the DB change (can be fixed ofcourse)

  • This is easily ammended by changed the SQL query in your police server.lua

Garage blips are broken and just coloured squares.

UI when transfering vehciles stays open causing you to be able to pull it out again.

  • Need to close it upon transfer

Overall I think your BIG UPDATE was rushed, Not saying I hate the script because I dont and iknow development isnt the easiest of tasks but this was no where near ready for a release, I hope you take this information as something positive and not hate speech.

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hello, is possible change random plate when buy vehicle? example i want number not random but example
car 1 plate 00000001
car 2 plate 00000002
car 3 plate 00000003

how i can this?

Issue 1 and 5 are solved in my pull request. The only Big issue i’m seeing is when you go to spawn a car sometimes its the wrong car or the wrong garage (triggering previous car or garage used earlier in the session)

when i use esx_vehicleshop
and i buy car, why i can’t return vehicle to garage?

custom tires are saved in vehicle props

are you using latest manifest in es extended ?

every script can be compatible you just need to rewrite the sql code a bit of that particular script

thanks for reporting ! could you look if recent update has fixed lot’s of issues was away on vacation, now i can correct it rapidly :slight_smile:

blips are not broken, just not loaded into your client or you have too many blips on your map

thanks for participating :slight_smile:

Hope you had a nice vacation!

The blip issue may have been on my end… Sorry about that! The rest i will sure check when i get some time :smiley: <3

I want to have police and mechanic impounds, but I don’t know where to put the code. Can someone help me out?

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same here, no clue where to add the lines, i tried when i take job in esx_duty but the impound not show

Can i get a full instruction, i’ve put the sql in the database and i’ve loaded the resource and everything but somehow it doesnt seem to work.

Console : Could not find dependency ft_libs for resource esx_jb_eden_garage2.

In THIS order

start esx_jb_eden_garage2
start ft_libs

download and start ft_libs, it is clearly written …

just add this like that :

    'default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'cloakroom',
      title    = _U('cloakroom'),
      align    = 'top-left',
      elements = elements,
   function(data, menu)
	  local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
      if data.current.value == 'citizen_BAC' then
	  	if Config.showpoliceblip then
	  isinservice = true
	  TriggerServerEvent("player:serviceOn", "police")
	  TriggerServerEvent('esx_society:setjobinservice', "police")
        ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_skin:getPlayerSkin', function(skin, jobSkin)
          local model = nil

          if skin.sex == 0 then
            model = GetHashKey("mp_m_freemode_01")
            model = GetHashKey("mp_f_freemode_01")

something like this to enable marker when you get on duty and off duty like this:

 elseif data.current.value == 'citizen_wear' then
		isinservice = true
		if Config.showpoliceblip then
		TriggerServerEvent("player:serviceOff", "police")
		SetPedArmour(ped, 0)
		TriggerServerEvent('esx_society:setjoboffservice', "police")

this is an example for police script

There is no Link for the Download

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google or read github i would say

where i put this code? esx_policejob client? and esx_duty?