[RE-RELEASE] esx_eden garage2: 3 in 1 garage

you tested mine with sql that I passed…

Hey, i tried to install it, i don’t really understand but anyway, that’s my problem, probably doing something wrong…? Too, i cannot take my vehicle, where i go on the yellow circle, i need to pay 500$ but that’s not working.

yes I will create a video showing the error

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Cannot doing anything, trying to click but nothing.

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I am unable to get the boat and plane garage to appear. I can purchase boats and planes fine but they goto the main car garages. no garage markers appear on the map as well.

Hello good, I have this script on, but it doesn’t allow me to buy police vehicles in the police garage, it discounts my money what it costs to buy the police car but doesn’t buy it. Somebody could help me? I would thank that very much

Anyone had any luck saving vehicle state ie engine health, fuel etc? Ive tried this im not getting errors but when the car is pulled out it doesnt work, Vehcile health is back to normal etcetc…

It’s litterally in the OP. [quote=“Jager_Bom, post:1, topic:150511”]
For people that want to save engine health and so on in db here is how to do it:

Yes i know that!

My issue is ive tried it and it isnt working for me…

It saves in the DB etc but when pulling the car out its not spawning with the damage etc…

Maybe you didn’t see this part?

if props.bodyHealth ~= nil then SetVehicleBodyHealth(vehicle,props.bodyHealth+0.00 )

If props.engineHealth ~= nil then
SetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle,props.engineHealth+0.00 )

It wasnt just that what wasnt working for me…


None of these where working for me.

All 3 work fine for me making the changs linked by OP. Sounds like your setvehicle natives arent getting triggered if they are saving in SQL.

after use your fix i cant save vehicles anymore or spawn these

I have that and the server doesnt start at all

I use the system for impound police, and when a car is closed you have to pay a sum for it, if you know the system. And with this garage system if I have an impound car I can remove it from the yellow circle. Any solutions?

Dude u know how can i save the custom tires? The atom ones?

I’ve done this but it only seems to save the health itself, not body damage fuel etc?

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hello , I can buy the police vehicle from the shop from the police garage now. However, after using your fix. the database wont update if i put the car into a different garage i.e the car just return to garage_center. Are there any way to fix?

Hello I am wondering how to enable police impound. I have install the newest update of esx_eden garage2 as well as ftlib. here is my server.cfg

start esx_jb_eden_garage2
start esx-kr-advanced-shops
start esx_communityservice
start esx_sellvehicles
start esx_garbagecrew
start esx_holsterweapon
start esx_banksecurity
start esx_airlines
start esx_jail
start esx_gangjob
start esx_cozinheirojob
start esx_nightclub
start esx_nightclubaddon
start esx_AdvancedFishing
start esx_boat
start esx_allrounddealer
start esx_truckshop
start esx_tattoosShops
start esx_taximeter
start esx_checkdeathcause
start esx_drugs
start esx_carlock
start esx_gym
start esx_documents
start esx_pNotify
#start esx_methcoke
#start esx_militarjob

start esx_knatusblowtorch
start mhacking
start esx_knatusrobberybank
start securitycams

start Teleport
start locksystem
start RealisticVehicleFailure
start RealisticTraffic
start RealisticAirControl
start RealisticBrakeLights
start vehcontrol
start Compass-and-street-name-HUD
start EngineToggle
start nonpcdrop
start pointing
start PvP
start z-loadscreen
start InteractSoundS
start speedradar
start removeAIcops
start els-fivem
start jsfour-atm
start jsfour-criminalrecord
start progressBars
start Peds
start peds2
start SemArmasReward
start BlipsBuilder
start LegacyFuel
start instance
start Weaponry
start simpletp
start teleportschool
start polisfix
start ffpsshot_aim
start Asser-Indicators
start radio
start hud
start Lenzh_chopshop
start lockpickcar
start shtin_animation
start ft_libs

I start your plugin first then the ftlib as you written in the post. And here i put the line when i am onduty.

if job == 'police' or job == 'ambulance' or job == 'mechanic' or job == 'cozinheiro'  or job == 'banker' or job == 'taxi' or job == 'militar' then
        xPlayer.setJob('off' ..job, grade)
        TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('offduty'))
    elseif job == 'offpolice' then
        xPlayer.setJob('police', grade)
        TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('onduty'))

However, no impound shown in game. please help. thanks a lot