[RE-RELEASE] esx_eden garage2: 3 in 1 garage

I have not implemented a true false in config but yea possible

could you implement it?

im having an issue where ive added this update to my server, its throwing an error about esx_policejob.

[MySQL] [esx_policejob] An error happens on MySQL for query "INSERT INTO owned_vehicles (owner, vehicle, plate, type, job, stored) VALUES

any idea what i need to do for this

I have the same concern I can not fix

just fixed it, you need to merge the vehicle shop sql and this sql together

Hi @Matty9172 , I have a same problem.
Can you explain how you would have solved the problem?
You talk about merging two SQL databases is that?

You are my hero!! Thank you!

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Hello My server has allow police and EMS staff to buy their own emergency vehicles from vehicle shop included in the esx_policejob and esx_ambulancejob. However, after updating to the newest version, they cannot buy vehicle from the vehicle shop anymore. The system deduct players money but did not give him what he bought. Any solutions for this? Many thanks

hey, i donā€™t know how your script is made, but should work fine normally. job vehicles does exists if you want.

I couldnā€™t find that ā€œhow to do itā€ thingā€¦

You can do so here: es_extended -> client -> functions.lua -> then search for ESX.Game.GetVehicleProperties = function(vehicle) and then just replace

Read error and you will know. And I dont have any column name called storedā€¦

In order to fix the issue with the Police job, add this code instead of the eden garage one. reason its happening is because the police garage looks for the vehicleshop.sql categories but this mod does add all of the required categories. This should fix your issue

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS owned_vehicles;
vehicle longtext NOT NULL,
owner varchar(60) NOT NULL,
state tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ā€˜0ā€™ COMMENT ā€˜Etat de la voitureā€™,
garage_name varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT ā€˜Garage_Centreā€™,
fourrieremecano tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ā€˜0ā€™,
vehiclename varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT ā€˜voitureā€™,
plate varchar(50) NOT NULL,
vehicle_type varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT ā€˜carā€™,
type VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT ā€˜carā€™,
stored TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ā€˜0ā€™,
PRIMARY KEY (plate),
KEY vehsowned (owner)

Took me some time to fix myself but i did it haha, posted the fix so hopefully no more people asking for the fix <3

doesnt work :S

I add a garage named Garage_01 in config.lua and i store my car in garage_center but it says car in garage_01 when i pay switch teleports me in car whereā€™s garage_01. No error on console and server. Whatā€™s wrong ?

be giving to duplicate vehicles when you get in another garage paying.

I fixed it already I post the correctionā€¦

esx_jb_eden_garage2-master.rar (11.6 KB)

fixed duplicationā€¦:+1:

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You can test there after you transfer the vehicle to another garage and back to the other garage and redo the transfer again remove the money and not transfer the vehicle speaks and you have no vehicle in the garage. sorry my english no speak language english i am brazilian