I’ve been using this for a while on my server and it just came to my mind that a lot of people would love to have this on their ESX servers so I shared it.
This is the QB radial menu that was originally inspired from Nopixel, redesigned and reworked for ESX.
Actually fun fact, the qb-radialmenu creator didnt make it either.
The creator of qb-radialmenu actually used the free to use javascript library wheelnav.js haha.
I’m familiar with that library.
The day I converted this for my server, I was gonna create mine from scratch but why tf would I do that when there are already enough scripts for the same purpose?!
We srsly need new and creative ideas to make better menus and greater UIs, people should start forgetting about the nopixel shit and start developing their own ideas and bring them to life.