For people looking for the dispatch system used in the preview video
I use this one: [ESX] [FREE] Dispatch notifications
can you do a vrp version for us
I would like to keep the radial menu open when I press the F1 and close when I press ESC. How do I go about implementing that?
You need to do some JS code for that.
Hey do i need any separated script for the trunk feature?
Is there a way to make the menu centered for players who play at 1440p resolution? Right now when you open it on that resolution, the cursor snaps to the center but the menu is about an inch above the center. For players who play at a lower than 1080p resolution, the menu is below the cursor. I assume this has something to do with absolute positioning, but CSS isn’t my strong suit.
Hey, I wanted to use as main icon our RD-Animations Panel the Function for this would be: TriggerEvent(“rd-animations:OpenMenu”)
Unfortunately the script doesn’t provide any code to write the event directly to the main panel.
Can you help me?
just remove that
items = { ... },
and add event = "rd-animations:OpenMenu"
the items table just mean that the menu has sub-items.
any update for standalone version? i need this for vRP
There isn’t any option to download this. How do i get one for my server?
How could I do to put, for example, a police work action in the radial menu?
I have tried to show me a menu from another job but I can’t
I have it set like this in the config
[“technician”] = {
id = ‘bjob1’,
title = ‘Search Job’,
icon = ‘truck-pickup’,
type = ‘client’,
event = ‘esx_technician:OpenMenu’,
shouldClose = true
It should work in my opinion. Just make sure you have “technician” as a job in your server.
Nope, not working, i have clothes, im in the car… and nothing happend.
does the element you added show in the menu first?
Yes, it is shown in the radial menu, but when I give it to perform the action the menu does not appear, in that job you have to fulfill the condition of putting on your work clothes, and then get in the car so that the menu opens to look for a job, but I do everything right and the menu does not appear the job is the esx_technician
anyone can help me with my problem? every time i use the radial menu, when i try to close it, the radial ui gone but my cursor still stuck on the screen, so i can’t move the player screen. I got nothing from F8, i use ESX Legacy 1.85
What is the key to open radialmenu in game??
Button `
You can also change it in the by searching for “KeyMapping” on the client.lua
Thanks you! Now i got new problem that says “No such export SoundAlert in resource mythic_notify”.