qIdentification - a FREE ID card resource


An identification card resource created for use with linden_inventory for ESX Legacy.

This resource was inspired by the original jsfour identification script and still uses some of the javascript from it. The rest of the LUA is entirely re-written.


Hard Dependencies

These are required resources that this resource was built around. It’s not designed to work without these resources and if you want to remove the requirement for them you’ll be better off writing your own resource rather than try to remove those dependencies from this resource.

Soft Dependencies

By default this resource needs these resources, however the core functionality (creating identification cards, metadata, showing identification cards) will still work if you remove the appropriate code in peds.lua and menu.lua


  1. Drag and drop into your resource folder

  2. Make sure you install the required dependencies (listed above)

  3. Follow the instructions to install the other resources - especially the mugshot one for the imgur API

  4. Done!

Config / Disclaimer

Cards Types

I’ve done my best to provide a configurable resource. You are able to add your own identification types to this list however it’s not just just plug and play, you’ll still need to modify the server event and the js events for additional

You’ll have to make sure that the list reflects the items that are available for you and your server, along with your own costs.

The rest of the config is pretty heavily commented, so it should be self explanatory.



another great free release


I can’t start the script. Maybe you can help me?`

I would love to use it


Well done, thx for share this awesome work!

i read the code how it will insert the item in the database?

no database for linden inven

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With Linden Inventory, items are not stored/read from the databse, but via the inventory itself. I would suggest reading up on the inventory system to learn about it as it is 1 of the best inventory resources out and has a lot of unique features.

oh i see cause im not using that one thanx for the advice

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Damn noms, I fucking love you. Always releasing the good shit

Where did you get that map you are in on the video! Looks dope

When I want to get an ID card, he only takes my money without giving me my ID card. Any fix?

You need to add the items to linden_inventory/shared/items.lua

	['identification'] = {
		label = 'Identification',
		weight = 0,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		client = {
			consume = 0,
			event = true,

	['drivers_license'] = {
		label = 'Drivers License',
		weight = 0,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		client = {
			consume = 0,
			event = true,

	['firearms_license'] = {
		label = 'Firearms License',
		weight = 0,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		client = {
			consume = 0,
			event = true,
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Do you plan to make a version without dependecies Qtarget , Nh-context and nh-keyboard ?

or a way for remove it from this nice script :slight_smile: thanks

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Those three dependencies are purely for purchase and setup of the identification item. The meat and bones of the identification script does not hard rely on them.

Does anyone know how you could change the picture background for the id it’s currently pure black so the photo ends up being dark and its hard to see the image

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when i used it and after closing not opening anymore

i have this issue too sometimes

i got crash sometimes, when trying to request id card. its mugshot problem ?

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default picture only owrk and url musghot dosent print in ID

I have one odd problem. Since I use Multicharacter, the “identifier” field is way longer than the field on the ID card. It uses “CHAR1:” plus the 40-digit Rockstar license as the “identifier” in the database. There’s only room for a maximum of 17 digits on the default templates. So it’s about 30 characters too long and the image looks really bad when I show my ID in game.

I do not know much Lua yet, since I am just a newbie. Is there some sort of formula or function that can be added to the creation of the license metadata in the server.lua file that can create a shorter ID number and add it to the users table for future use?

Also, how would I create different licenses in the future other than these three? Is it just a case of creating more items and dummy cards in the inventory items table and the menus?

Thanks for the great resource!